LBRY Block Explorer

LBRY Transaction


Time Created

16 May 2024 20:09:22 UTC

Block Time

17 Dec 2017 19:48:43 UTC
Amount (LBC)
Block Height
Size (bytes)


60 inputs
380.00110849 LBC from
380.00067714 LBC from
380.00080652 LBC from
380.00105865 LBC from
380.00078235 LBC from
380.00049151 LBC from
380.00387876 LBC from
380.00257475 LBC from
380.00165942 LBC from
380.00432836 LBC from
380.00054319 LBC from
380.00090021 LBC from
380.00101735 LBC from
380.00054111 LBC from
380.00045729 LBC from
380.00061409 LBC from
380.00057317 LBC from
380.00079582 LBC from
380.00159135 LBC from
380.00384833 LBC from
380.00116817 LBC from
380.00067017 LBC from
380.00065429 LBC from
380.00105245 LBC from
380.00055206 LBC from
380.00068836 LBC from
380.00349501 LBC from
380.00442587 LBC from
380.00039184 LBC from
380.00130602 LBC from
380.00087216 LBC from
380.00068442 LBC from
380.00052556 LBC from
380.00130066 LBC from
380.00045428 LBC from
380.00188035 LBC from
380.00582614 LBC from
380.00079945 LBC from
324 outputs Fee 0.00996077 LBC
3,003.22758909 LBC to
1,064.86663527 LBC to
109.96609349 LBC to
242.22812465 LBC to
25.26935499 LBC to
100.30928449 LBC to
11.90885275 LBC to
1,464.74969634 LBC to
1,610.75218432 LBC to
1,417.8493366 LBC to
5.41785889 LBC to
10.58341879 LBC to
5.46860832 LBC to
5.43122664 LBC to
8.4995881 LBC to
8.80338686 LBC to