This piece was commissioned by Sabina V., a dear friend from my school days, as part of her exam at the uni. My goal was to create a musical portrait that captures her personality and spirit.
The title of the piece, "Fur Sabina", is a playful reference to the famous "Fur Elise" composition.The main theme is a musical cryptogram of the name SABINA - each letter of her name corresponds to a different note in the theme. In fact, I had a larger plan to create solo pieces for all of my former colleagues, each containing a unique reference to their name.
Through this piece, I aimed to showcase the beauty and expressiveness of the solo violin. The composition starts off with a melancholic melody, gradually building up to a more energetic and dynamic section. I incorporated various violin techniques, such as pizzicato and harmonics, to create a rich and diverse sound.
I'm thrilled to share with you a performance of "Fur Sabina" by the incredibly talented Raluca Stratulat. She brought the piece to life with her virtuosic playing and helped me to improve and perfect it. I hope you enjoy listening to her wonderful interpretation of the piece.
Thank you for tuning in!
An excerpt from the theatre play „Ma chambre froide” by Joël Pommerat, directed by Theodor-Cristian Popescu, at the Oradea Theatre, hungarian section.
Produced by Deutsche Welle and Philharmonie Luxembourg.
Performed by Philharmonie Luxembourg.
Conducted by Ivan Boumans.
Date: 21.04.2022.
Event organized by International Classical Musical Awards (ICMA) who awarded Sebastian Androne-Nakanishi with the Composer Award for the year 2022.
Presented at the Illuminarium festival in Zürich. Created by Céline Dubach, Liliane Saner, Laura Zimmermann. Sound Mix:Thomas Gassmann
A small musical tribute to my friend. One of the last conversations with Laura Popescu
Pictures by Schimdt Fernando
Sebastian Androne websites:
The concert is dedicated to the oustanding Ștefan Diaconu who commissioned the piece and whose invaluable help and feedback really influenced the concert in a very positive way!
The recording is realised by TVR (Societatea Românǎ de Televiziune) and it took place on the 17th of July 2019.The amazing orchestra who is playing is DUEN ( it is conducted by the wonderful Morten Ryelund ( ). This was possible due to the „Vara Magică” festival organised by Marin Cazacu. To all of them I want to thank them with all my heart!
Transylvania State Philharmonic, conducted by Horia Andreescu.
Here: you can find the „mockup” version of my piece, „Erebos”, inspired by the visual artwork with the name „Erebus. Phōsphágos” by Lucian Stanculescu. The image that fascinated me and determined me to write a piece with the same subject can be found here:
Filarmonica de Stat Transilvania, la bagheta domnului Horia Andreescu.
Aici: puteți găsi și varianta „virtuală” a piesei mele, „Erebos”, inspirată de lucrarea vizuală cu numele de „Erebus. Phōsphágos” a lui Lucian Stanculescu. Imaginea care m-a fascinat și determinat să scriu o piesă cu același subiect o puteți găsi aici: