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28 Dec 2021 15:49:56 UTC
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NY Mayor’s ‘Hookers for Needles’ Vaccination Plan Exposed (by Jon Rappoport, December 28, 2021)
Elbert Farthing, an in opinion piece for the NY Times (1/2/22), writes: “Exiting NY Mayor Bill de Blasio was about to issue a startling directive in the spring of 2021. Any male between the ages of 18 and 23 who stepped up to receive a COVID vaccine would be rewarded with a prostitute for an evening in a city hotel room.”

“This was an effort to increase vaccine compliance in the youthful population of New York. However, one of the Mayor’s advisors, June Staley, became furious with the Mr. de Blasio. She pointed out the discriminatory aspect of the plan. Young women would receive no similar inducement for taking the vaccine.”

“Sources close to the Mayor told the Times that de Blasio was prepared to assemble brigades of prostitutes in Manhattan and Brooklyn to fulfill his offer, and as one aide put it, “Bill had a green light from Governor Cuomo, who thought the project was a brilliant idea.”

“So far, the Mayor has declined to comment on any part of this prostitute proposal.”

“Desperate times do call for desperate measures, and as long as sexual participants are fully masked and vaccinated, the risk of viral transmission would be low.”

I reached out to former Governor Cuomo’s economic aide, Martin Liff, who told me, “The Governor didn’t give full approval, he was waiting on a financial report. He wanted to assess the projected cost of hiring many hundreds of prostitutes.”

A New York hotel owner I contacted said, “Our establishment would have been called upon to enable the Mayor’s plan. I told them I wouldn’t dedicate a few dozen rooms for sex. We don’t run that kind of place. Imagine what our other guests would say. I mean, we do have a few high-priced call girls sitting at the bar most nights, but that’s an entirely different situation. These girls are grad students and actresses trying to land roles in plays. They’re good people. But your regular street prostitute—that’s what the Mayor was probably talking about…”

Sources tell me de Blasio’s scheme broke down in the planning stage, over the issue of how long each prostitute would have to provide services to an individual young man. Recommendations ranged from 20 minutes to an entire evening. There was also disagreement about repeat services for the same male, when he took the second shot or a booster.

And no one was able or willing to inform me about prostitutes’ attitudes toward the Mayor’s plan. Another one of my questions that went unanswered: from what part of the city budget would payment for the prostitutes be drawn?

A member of the NY Elderly Coalition told me, “There are lots of older vaccine-hesitant men who would come forward and take the jab, if they could have sex with an attractive prostitute. Why did the Mayor omit them from his plan? Sex is a medically recognized remedy for prostatitis.”

I reached out to the Times’ opinion writer, Elbert Farthing. At first he stated he had no comment on his piece. Then he offered this: “I understand many, many women in the city were interested in volunteering. I’m not talking about hookers. These were housewives, singles living in the suburbs, even socialites. That’s probably the real reason de Blasio withdrew his plan. Word had gotten out about it, and the response was overwhelming. Think of the scandals that would have emerged, if the plan had been put into effect. Good-hearted people want everybody to get vaccinated, but there’s a limit to what they’ll endure to make it happen.”

To cap things off, a high-ranking Catholic official in New York, speaking off the record, told me the Pope was aware of de Blasio’s plan and refused to condemn it. The Pope felt the unvaccinated were an extreme danger to the human population, and whatever could be done to convince them to take the injection was permissible. A few months ago, I was sitting at the bar at the Eloise Hotel in mid-town Manhattan, when an attractive woman took a seat next to me and said, “Have you been vaccinated?”
I told her no. She frowned. “Well,” she said, “a lot of us think we should offer people a reward if they comply with the mandate. For a limited time, we’re offering reduced rates on our services. I’m getting my PhD in philosophy at Columbia. You know, Plato had a theory of The Good as the highest Idea, in a separate perfect realm of consciousness. Despite the fact that the vaccine has caused over 900,000 injuries in America, it’s still our best weapon against the pandemic. In fact, those injuries show the vaccine is working. So if you take the jab and present your passport, I can…help you out…”
“Are you a cop?” I said.

She smiled and took out her badge.

“Nice try,” I said. “How did you come up with that story?”

“My cousin works for the Mayor,” she said. “I’m not taking the shot, and I’ll probably be fired for refusing.”
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