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22 Jul 2023 03:32:31 UTC
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Radical Agenda S06E025 - Outer with Crowder
Another day, another celebrity sex scandal. Turns out Steven Crowder's least controversial move was telling his pregnant wife "I'll fuck you up". At least that was heterosexual, and whatever merit  there may be to the criticism of his treatment of women, I am not of the opinion that this video told us much or put his wife in the best light. 

The latest news is, Mr. Crowder has been sending dick pics to male employees and whipping it out around the office, in between drug deals. This according to "five former show staffers and one source close to Crowder" who spoke anonymously to Mediaite, sharing text messages and photographs as proof. They said these incidents became so frequent that "I don’t want to say it became ‘normal’ but it became less of a big deal.” and "It happened all the time. It was a regular occurrence. It usually happened when he was in a really good, sort of manic mood."

I've got all the sympathy in the world for my fellow public figures. I am not complaining to note that this can be a stressful job. Fame can go to a man's head even when one is at as low a level as I, and the evils which must tempt a man in Crowder's position I imagine are all the more vicious. People telling you how great you are, which in my experience invariably coincides with you disagreeing with that person. Other people tell you that you suck. You tell them they are jealous losers, which is obviously true, but deep down you kinda think they're right. It can be a lot to deal with. The job and the persona can completely consume your life, and it's easy to understand a man seeking validation through other means. 

Sex is very effective in this. It's got a similar quality to fighting in that sense. Just me and my body. No status. No money. No traffic statistics or Twitter followers or algorithms to credit with your success. No censors to blame if you fail. 

When you fight a man, or you fuck a woman, that's the moment of truth right there. Are you, flesh and bone man, up to the task? Or are you a fiction of others' perceptions? You're about to find out. 

And so is she. 

There are some embarrassing images of me out there, but no dick pics. Whatever anyone tells you, they just plain do not exist. I do not send dick pics to women I am actively fucking, and whom I have every reason to believe enjoy every aspect of this wonderful gift. I cannot imagine firing these things off all willy nilly to anyone, much less men.

Perhaps I am fortunate that I have no reason to expect anyone to react positively to a photograph of my penis. I must figure any man in this habit is better endowed, because this is the last thing I expect would earn me anyone's respect, much less a man's. Even if I was rocking a full on kickstand, I don't think the sort of men I seek the respect of would react well to that sort of thing. I put a great deal of effort trying to impress women with everything but my genitals in the hopes that perhaps I'll be able to impress her with how the thing works more than how it looks. Even when it comes time for show and tell, I consider myself very fortunate that have a good telling game, because I do not expect to get anywhere with the visual element. 

But then again, I'm not into men. Not sexually, anyway. Women have sent me revealing photos of themselves more than a few times over the years, and I do find these very exciting under the right circumstances. Men, I understand to be more visual than women. If you're a faggot, a cock pic might well make your day. 

But I still have trouble understanding why somebody would take the risk of sending one to somebody they didn't expect to react positively. Self deprecating humor aside, in 43 years no woman has ever laughed at or spoken ill of my endowment, and yet I still have this absurd paranoia that she will just burst out laughing when I take my pants off and be like "No, haha, it's not you, I was just, ah, I was thinking of something else hehe. It's a good size, really, it's fine. What time is it anyway?". 

According to the Mediaite story, Crowder was doing this on a routine basis to people who expressed disgust and fear. Is this some kind of faggot domination ritual I am unfamiliar with? 

And what's with conservative personalities doing this stuff? I was totally unsurprised at the Anthony Weiner bit. Not only is his name literally Weiner, but he's a Democrat, so you expect him to be a filthy fucking degenerate. The most surprising part of his story is that the underage girl he was tweeting dick pics to, happened to actually be a girl, and one who had already gone through puberty at that. This is one of the tamer tales from the land of Democrat depravity, come to think about it. His fellow Democrats probably mocked him more for his technical incompetence than his sex crime. 

Radical Agenda airs live every Friday at 9:30pm US Eastern
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