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LBRY Claims • chesler-park-loop-joint-trail-hike-view


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12 Aug 2023 21:33:48 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Chesler Park Loop Joint Trail Hike View in the Needles District Canyonlands National Park in Utah
Chesler Park Loop Joint Trail Hike View in the Needles District Canyonlands National Park in Utah in the American Southwest on the Colorado Plateau. The Chesler Park / Joint / Druid Arch Loop Trail is my favorite hike I’ve ever done. When all was said and done I clocked in around 18 miles in just over 8 hours. But that’s for the whole green chile enchilada. For just the Chesler Park Joint Loop, the trip should be about 11.2 miles. This isn’t a step by step because it’s up to the adventurer on the preferred path to take and in which direction but I absolutely have my recommendations. First of all, wake up when it’s dark no matter where you’re staying. I’ve stayed in Monticello, Moab, and at the Needles Outpost but it doesn’t matter, you need to start this trail at sunrise as the light and warmth floods the land from the La Sals. So you’re awake and sippin’ warm coffee, you’ve packed TONS (more than you think you need) of water, plenty of snacks, TP, First Aid Kit, and your camera’s charged and there’s plenty of space for all the pics you’re going to take. Now it’s time to start the hike, which you will do at the Elephant Hill Trailhead. You DO NOT need a permit of any kind to park here for the day and hike. You do need to be ready to do some gravel driving amongst the beautiful red and white sandstone spires and little cliffsides. Sometimes the road is one way so be prepared. The beginning of the trail is steep but it will eventually level out once you’re on top of the little mesa. After a mile and a half you take the right trail towards Chesler Park for .6 miles before you descend and have your first real decision to make. You can either turn left and head to Druid Arch or you can go straight across the wash and ascend again which will put Druid Arch last. Druid Arch, by the way, is absolutely worth the visit! Since I’ve done both directions, I think going straight ahead first is the correct decision. Don’t forget to look back behind you at the La Sals, Grand View Point, and Junction Butte. Not to mention Six Shooter Peak. You’ll hike for a bit before ascending yet another steep point that will put you between two towering needles. It’s an awesome part of the hike, and it reminds me of big gates. On the other side is the Chesler Park. Stick to the Chesler Loop Trail which puts the needles to your right as you slowly descend again onto the Elephant Hill Jeep Trail. Be sure to be on the lookout for the Henry Mountains that sit perfectly between two Mesas. The sandy Jeep Trail part isn’t great but it doesn’t last too long before you’re on the Joint Trail which consists of cool, shaded, straight slot canyons. Be sure to explore the area completely and have fun with it! The Chesler Park area itself is incredible. To be surrounded on almost all sides by the red and white spires is a fun and comforting feeling. And then to the west you’ve got mountains and more mesa walls… the whole place is just my favorite. It is very exposed though so be prepared for a nice hot hike if it’s that season. Now it’s time to go back through the sandstoney gates where you will be treated with an exceptional view of the La Sals and Islands in the Sky. You’ve already been this way, yes but now it’s in a different light. If you did the Druid Arch Trail it should be close to afternoon or sundown so it’ll be perfectly in that sunset red. Regardless, the end of the hike is frustrating. At the top of every little ascent it feels like you’re about to descend to the parking lot. But be patient and enjoy the view.
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