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LBRY Claims • India_The_Modi_Question_S01E01


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2 Feb 2023 07:02:00 UTC
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India: The Modi Question S01E01
Do you remember Swapan Dasgupta? Swapan Dasgupta, the editor of Bangla People’s March – a registered magazine, published from Kolkata, died in jail custody as the first political prisoner to die as a UAPA/Unlawful Activities Prevention (Amended) Act of 2008 prisoner. Thirteen years ago, he was martyred on this day - 2nd February 2010. Even today in the World Journalist Safety Index or GII (Global Impunity Index) – among fourteen countries, we are in fourteenth place with war-torn, terror-ravaged Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan! India ranks 150 out of 180 countries on the Press Freedom Index, according to a study by Reporters Without Borders. While 57% of people around the world are victims of fake news, 64% of people are victims of fake news in India. 54% of the people are victims of rumours, here. India, our ‘largest democracy’, ranks 62 out of 113 countries on the ‘Rule of Law Index’, below Nepal. Journalists like Rupesh Kumar Singh, Siddique Kappan are rotting away in jail.
The BBC has released a documentary on Narendra Modi and his party’s role in the Gujarat Genocide and the rise of Brahmanical Hindutva in India. The Indian Government has invoked Emergency laws to ban this documentary in our country. Throughout the country - especially in JNU, students have had to face severe repression recently upon their attempts to screen this documentary. The first part of the documentary shows Modi's role in the Gujarat pogroms. On 27 February 2002, Godhra District Collector told the media that the Godhra train incident was not pre-meditated and it was an accident. The forensic science laboratory concluded that the fire could not have been started by anyone outside. But Narendra Modi and Sangh Parivar capitalized on the incident to unleash systematic institutionalized violence against Muslims in form of genocide. Second episode of the documentary shows about the rise of Hindutva in India after Modi became PM. It mentions Gujarat genocide, Cow vigilantism-mob lynching, revocation of Kashmir's special status, NRC with special focus on Assam, Anti NRC-NPR-CAA protests, role of police in violence against Muslims, UA(P)A, hate speech against Muslims, press freedom and attack on human rights organisations.
We must also remember that the BBC is an organisation that's known for peddling lies and western propaganda to whitewash British imperialist crimes. Britain's government, now under the direct control of large banking corporations (with Rishi Sunak representing them), is keen to forge several stronger military-economic partnerships with India to counter the Sino-Russian imperialist bloc. Yet, the Butcher of Gujarat and his government is stopping at nothing to prevent this documentary from being screened. In condemnation of such imposition of press freedom, we urge students, teachers and progressive democratic individuals and organisations to screen this documentary and unmask the Brahmanical Hindutva government as well as remain cautious of the interests of Yankee and British imperialists. We must unitedly build up a militant mass movement for the release of political prisoners and against press censorship to repay our blood debts to Comrade Swapan Dasgupta and other martyrs of the Indian New Democratic Revolution.
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