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LBRY Claims • positivereturnsinnegativerates


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Created On
3 Feb 2017 20:09:06 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
17,500,000,256.00 LBC
The Little Book of Positive Returns In Negative Rates
From the authors of, what we demonstrate in this book is that positive returns are not only possible, but they’re the basis of life. We all exist because our parents received positive returns through having offspring - if your parents don’t reproduce, you won’t either; think about it. To promote a world of negative returns is to promote an idea that is anti-life and is against everything that brought us here. Whether you believe it was evolution or an act of divine creation, both of these views share one common idea, which is that multiplying is beneficial and required for success. Wanting your money to multiply is also a positive; as it grows, you can grow and add value to others around you. Life doesn’t come with negative interest rates; life only comes with occasional failure and failure is an event that occurs and can be minimized if we learn from it and (or) if we prepare for what caused our failure.
Content Type
Steve Park & Tim Smith
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