新北市……必須摀住口鼻才能避開“omicron”……這是邪教?Insanity...a sunny day, Taiwan 4th shot boosted, Rapid Antigen Tests forced,, no one around, outside...but completely brainwashed and under mind control of the Taiwan media...10 May 2022...this response is very common in Taipei 精神錯亂...一個陽光明媚的日子,台灣第 4 槍加強,快速抗原檢測被迫,周圍沒有人,外面...但完全被洗腦並在台灣媒體的精神控制下...2022 年 5 月 10 日...此回應是 在台北很常見 Is this normal behavior? 這是正常行為嗎?or do I just smell very bad?
Made me chuckle...its better to watch the full video on his channel a few time to get the meaning...(backstory Sanity for Sweden got a strike for "medical misinformation" and so he posted this on his YouTube channel, sarcasm at its best) Thanks Stefan
over 900 views, "36" dislikes "10" likes but zero comments???? I really don't understand why anyone would post or comment on youtube any more...(censorship) Ephesians5 vs 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
.....you will eat bugs and it will be wonderful, a delicacy ( cockroaches and flies , yummy!!) this is a good thing according to the satanists in Chatham House,,,,
taken from Connecting with Jessie Czebotar (002) https://youtu.be/64u0As2VGTk around the 1.31.00 mark to the 1.34.00
My video of a dream from God (Jesus) of Trumps eyes, iris and pupils turning black https://www.bitchute.com/video/LxEphCacUSUM/
Mathew 6 vs 23 "....If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
Susan Sarandon's eye is also looking like a "panda eye" too..."Panda eyes" has another very sinister meaning...
Trump, Biden, Obama(the anti-Christ) are all in the same club...."trust the plan"
A short dream about Donald Trump taking me to who is really in charge of the worlds governments. Dont put your trust in men, but in God (Jesus)...He is our helmet of salvation...He can save us, not man....