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LBRY Claims • Alex-Collier-Earth-Transformation-Conference-Hawaii-2008


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16 Dec 2021 04:24:02 UTC
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Alex Collier: Earth Transformation Conference - Hawaii 2008.
An exctract transcribed:

56:01 How do we find our Soul again?

So how do we find our Soul again? What does it take to change the essence of a man? Is there a phrase? Is there a Mantra? is there a prayer? Is there an event? What does it take to change the essence of a man or a woman? l don’t have that answer but I am asking the question and I have been for a long time. Many of us, and I'm not necessarily referring to the folks in the room here. Many of us have completely lost their way. We know a lot of good people who would do anything for us as friends but they simply don't have a clue. We want them to be aware of the changes that are coming and you can put all this information in front of them and they're simply going to just dismiss it because it's too overwhelming to them. They have to take it in little bites and little slices. They just simply don't want to deal with it because it's so overwhelmed just trying to manage a life that already doesn't work. Or they're not already happy with because it's all they know and they're afraid to let it go because they don't have anything else to believe in. Just what it is that they do everyday. So in creating a new Domain of knowing and asking the question what is it that we want it? has to be something that everybody can take hold of a piece of. For example, every day there are little things that we could do to begin shifting our consciousness.

Every day when we get up, first thing we should do is be grateful that we are alive to see another day and just make that acknowledgement, spirit thank you. Always tell your children that you love them, every day. Tell them that you're proud of them. Always tell your wife that you love her or your partner that you love her. Always be friendly and cordial at the office ok. When you hear an ambulance drive by, just say a blessing. Say “I bless whoever that's for” and that their highest good is what is achieved. Little things like that. When you walk into a room just say “I bless this room”. Little things like that make all the difference. Because it's conscious intent, that every day when you do things like that and that's all it. And those things are easy to do alright. What you do is, you begin to polarize, you begin to magnetize those spaces with your thoughts. And whatever you magnetize, and you put out, it will come back. It will be mirrored back to you. That's why Earth is “boot camp for the soul”. It's because that's what it does. It mirrors our shit back to us. And, the more shit, the more shit ok! and that’s why it’s so overwhelming after a while.

So it's little things you know. And I share that because these are things that you know, I've had to try to do, and I struggle to remember them every day. But these are little things that I can do. I bless my food, you bless your coffee, what you do is you just get into a space of blessing everything, and it does infact change the frequency. It will change the people that you work with. It might take a little bit of a while, but these are simple things. It's like the movie The Secret said “it's an attitude of gratitude” ok, but they're just little things that you can remember to do every day.

At lunch time go for a walk, don't sit in your cubicle, but for a walk. Go outside. When you go to the bathroom if you work in an office, when you're done, instead of going right back into your office, to your cubicle, go downstairs, go outside, loop around the building and come back in. Just give yourself a break. Just remember where you are. Don't get stuck in just being so in-a-rut that you forget. Because it's easy. That's why we’re so stuck on Earth. The extraterrestrials, the visitations, the psychic phenomena, the paranormal phenomena, all of that stuff ladies and gentlemen, is “us”. It's all happening to us because it “is” us. They’re all reminders of who we are. All we have to do is get out of our own way.
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