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LBRY Claims • Dinesh-D'Souza,-2000-Mules-the-crime-of-the-century


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8 May 2022 00:13:35 UTC
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Dnesh D'Souza, 2000 Mules Documentary the crime of the century
“There are 3000 or so apps that gather data of users and sell it to brokers. There is a vital interest in this data from the intelligence agencies, and many and all of the people involved in the January 6th were being tracked prior to January 6th. Remember, lets talk about the methodology, you can buy data from these various brokers. We brought from October 1st to January6th. We picked 309 drop boxes in the area and in essence we fenced around those, and then we purchased data of people who were near those drop boxes and near certain organizations”
This is a direct quote of the specialist in the film 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’souza where he is explaining exactly how his team acquired the geotracking data of individuals who were caught traffic ballots and they even have video footage of these crimes taking place.
. Lets pause for a second, what is a mule? A mule is something along the lines of trafficking and in this instance is ballot trafficking. A mule is by our definition picking up ballots from a patient and running them to the drop boxes. Who are these people? They are interested in one thing, that is money, it is generally 10$ a ballot and sometimes these people generally participate in antifa riots. These are people generally on the far left and they also help to make up the mule population. So, lets take a look at a visual, here you can see that 1 person went to 20 drop boxes and 5 organizations in 5 days. The average number of 2000 mules were 38 drop box visits x 5 illegal ballots per visit equals about 380,000 votes. In Michigan and Wisconsin, if you multiply the amount of mules times the amount of drop visits it doesn’t quite add up to enough ballots to overturn the 2020 election. In Georgia versus Arizona, the margin of error that Biden won the state by there shows that there were clearly enough illegal ballots that should’ve pushed Trump over the edge. Remember, the election was very close in these swing states. So any reasonable person would say that we are onto something big. In Philadelphia, there were over 1,100 identified mules and multiply it out turns out to over 5,500 visits to these drop boxes. So, do you have any other data or evidence besides the geotracking data? The answer is yes, we have over 4 millions minutes of surveillance footage. Is it possible to estimate how many ballots were stuffed into a ballot box. If we don’t wake up, and do the hard roll up your sleeve work to expose this corruption, it seems like they are subverting democracy and the pretext of protecting it. Lets sum it up, do we know for sure that this was not the most secure election. Do we know for a fact that there was systemic, coordinated fraud in all of the key states, therefore does it follow the people who suspected fraud instincts were right? What you are seeing is a crime, this is ballot trafficking, it is illegal for any organization to collect ballots and pay mules to drop off ballots. This really is the perfect crime, once the mules drop off the ballots, its disconnected from the actual name that is on the ballot that was dropped off because there is no way to verify signatures. But where do these organizations get these ballots. Everything from filling out absentee ballots to obtaining votes from voters, to using high quality photocopy machines to make ballots. Lets just say that students on a college campus and they graduate and they move out, is it conceivable that a motivated activist can obtain ballots from post students. A supreme court justice named Gabelman named approximately 90,000 residents in nursing homes some who are incapable of even staying awake for a few minutes, and theres cases of social workers taking ballots. But who could’ve funded this heist? Now let’s go to a report of who funds elections to see what could’ve happened. What do the IRS regulators say about these nonprofit organizations. The IRS say you cannot intend or prefer one candidate over another. The largest could’ve been Mark Zuckerberg’s foundation but don’t be fooled there were a lot of other operations who may have had a partisan thrust. Big money rarely comes without strings attached. What you are saying that there is more than enough money to fund any type, we are talking about over a half a billion dollars in order to get out to vote register democrats. With democrats, they understand the rules and process are very important, democrats conceived the heist, they funded it, and they rigged and stole the election of 2020. Once the ballot enters the system, it is really hard to reverse engineer it, but it seems pretty clear to me and that explains the sudden spike in Biden in supportive states. We must coalesce to a chilling reality, they conceived the heist, they carried it out, and we cannot be ok with this and we cannot move on. Our elections must represent the will of American Citizens and if enough of us give up, they won’t need to cheat anymore, the America we love needs us now more than ever!
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