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LBRY Claims • Dalton-Clodfelter-encourages-violence-against-gay-people


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Created On
6 Jun 2022 19:52:42 UTC
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Violent homophobe Dalton Clodfelter encourages violence against gay people
Violent homophobe Dalton Clodfelter encourages violence against gay people.

WARNING: Violent anti-LGBTQ language by Dalton Clodfelter. His hateful comments are included here to document them and to alert the community. Do not be homophobic. Do not promote violence against LGBTQ people.

"K-ll your gay friend."

-Dalton Clodfelter, 4/30/22

Violent homophobe Dalton Clodfelter made this remark after one of his live-stream viewers commented about his friend in the military who is gay.

Anti-LGTBQ extremist Dalton Clodfelter is a former member of the military. He said he was discharged for refusing the
Covid vaccine.

Violent homophobe Dalton Clodfelter says that a lot of young men in the military have been duped into enlisting to fight for the "globo-homo" agenda.

Anti-LGTBQ extremist Dalton Clodfelter has at least one close family member who is gay. Does he believe his gay sibling should be killed? It seems so.

If you have been engaging in far-right extremism--or supporting those who do--today is a great day to stop.


According to Dalton Clodfelter, his far-right activity is supported by his wife Alanis Clodfelter (née Alanis Ramos Ramirez).

In June 2022, Dalton Clodfelter was asked if his parents--Michelle Riley (Shelly), and Bryan Clodfelter and Kim Bullins Clodfelter--support his work promoting Nick Fuentes and the white nationalist Groyper movement.

Dalton Clodfelter responded, "My family is already aware of what I do. I have a great relationship with them."

So according to Dalton Clodfelter's public comments in May and June 2022, his white nationalist work in support of racist Nick Fuentes and the Groyper cult has not prevented him from having "a great relationship with" his wife Alanis Clodfelter, his mom Michelle Riley (Shelly), his dad Bryan Clodfelter, and his step-mom Kim Bullins Clodfelter.

Here's a thought for Dalton's family: If your family member is a leader in an influential white nationalist movement that promotes racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and classism, maybe you should not "have a great relationship" with him.

If Dalton Clodfelter is lying about your support or indifference to his bigoted activity, perhaps you should correct the record.
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