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LBRY Claims • Destroying-The-Fake-Plandemic-Agenda!---ŁÌ₣†Ì₦₲-†ђΣ-√∄ÌŁ-on-Patreon


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23 Apr 2021 23:20:27 UTC
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100,000,000.00 LBC
Destroying The Agenda!
Dear friends, I have been in hermit mode researching everything that’s really going on behind the scenes of this pandemic and the new world they are bringing in, producing a 5 hr documentary film exposing the Great Deception.

In summary, as always, WE HAVE BEEN UTTERLY DECIEVED! All the university data studies are proving this is all NONSENSE DISINFO FEAR tactics, shock doctrine to bring in a new world, the data shows this is a non event. At first we didnt know, now we do!

The actual death rate is less than 1% even in the worst of hotspots, with total overall deaths even at the highest of bloated numbers, IS LESS THAN AN AVERAGE YEAR! CDC inflated data even shows that.

It was a program so dangerous and controversial the government under obama shut the funding down for 3 yrs to determine whether it should continue. It went ahead in 2017.

The published studies funded by NIH AND FAUCIS NIaid involved BATWOMAN patient zero in the level 4 lab in wuhan, Now dissappeared by the CCP.

The GAIN OF FUNCTION STUDIES quote "to achieve increased pathogenicity and transmissability in mammals"!! They claim its to develop a vaccine for emergent cov pathogens!

This is obvious though, ITS A PANDORAS BOX, scenario, like inventing the atom bomb but with microbes! Is it ethical tocreate a bioweapon in order to produce the vaccine for it?

Thats literally what the program was for, and the studies say verbatim. Thats why it was halted until 2017 when Faucis NIAID funded that study to go ahead and gain function in sars cov in mammals.

They created this whole plan decades in advance, as a trigger to implement orwellian digitial ai surveillance capitalism as its called in tech law.

Bill gates conducted the EVENT 201 pandemic simulation drill in october right before the outbreak, it is what is driving this whole plan. The plan is FALSE, the real situation is a NON EVENT, this is a FAKE PANDEMIC thats not serious except for the very few who normally would be getting flu this season anyways. The severe case rate is VERY VERY LOW, a non event, especially compared to our lockdown death rates.

I have extensive studies archived to substantiate all arguments made.

I can own anyone in a debate of the science and the data. As well as the agenda and motive driving current global chaos.

Let me tell you whats going to happen unless we stop it.

They are trying to lock us down UNLAWFULLY AND ILLEGALLY until 2022 if they have their way, giving time to roll out 5G smartgrid to manage the ai surveillance grid of tracking biometric data in public and private, from mandatory vaccinations including a digital ID cert like a tracking tag, that is our NEW digital ID system that becomes our Social Credit System like they already have in communist china and Denmark. (Coded language NATIONAL SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM) Involving digital currency, cashless society, total control and surveillance drones taking biometric scans of populations at beaches, parks, satellite targetting all to give fines and tolls, jail sentences and social credit demerits for not "social distancing, and socially isolating from family members.

They want us all isolated and alone, a destruction of the family unit, to gain medical, pharmaceutical and totalitarian control over our every thought.

Bill gates is a key player in all of this smartgrid rollout. This is the real reason for lockdowns even when the science is debunking the nonsense! They are lying about the whole thing! Its an AGENDA!

The lockdown is DELIBERATE plan to cause global destabilization of poor people to consilidate wealth and monopoly for large tech corporations who will be the only ones to survive the storm. MILLIONS WILL DIE FROM POVERTY AND FAMINE that the world leaders DELIBERATELY PLANNED! A mere few thousands have died from the threat of this virus THEY CREATED!

Bill gates is already on tv right now claimed THERE WILL BE PANDEMIC 2! And this time it will be the real deal.

Mike Pompeo on the news said "WE ARE IN A LIVE EXERCISE".

All of this and more is documented in my film.

It will scare people who arent ready to think critically, beyond the emotional fear limbic response mechanism that hinders neocortical critical analytical logic, but the truth is powerful and can be even more overwhelming than the fear constantly favricated on the fake news tv idiotbox!

@Liftingtheveilofficial is now on all social media. full video presentations and articles can be found at for full #esoteric films, research articles, livestreams, lessons and mind blowing content on theology, mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, science, #biology, #health and so much more! SEE YOU SOON! MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND #WISDOM!

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100,000,000.00 LBC