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4 May 2023 02:08:56 UTC
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Autobiography of Pontius Pilate, Part 3 By Pastor Eli James
In the third and last installment of the series on Pontius Pilate and the Jews, we witness Nicodemus, a member of the infamous Sanhedrin and a Pharisee, instructing Pontius Pilate on how to successfully conspire against Jesus Christ. The Jewish High Priest council frequently acted independently of the Romans and rendered decisions without the approval of the Central Government. They wielded considerable power and frequently defied Roman decrees. This includes carrying out extra-judicial assassinations without the approval of the Romans, who ruled the world at the time. As a result, they functioned as a state within a state, as well as a fifth column. Furthermore, these Jewish elites were all related to one another in an extended family network. We use the term "mishpucka" in modern parlance to indicate similar forms of ethnic and familial connection and networking.

Jesus eventually surrenders to Roman authorities in the course of the story, and under the pressure of the Pharisees and Sanhedrin, he is tried and found guilty in a kangaroo court. Jesus wasn't power-hungry or materialistic like the Jews who tried to kill him, so he didn't mind being crucified. Nicodemus acknowledged that Jesus was a just man and that it was wicked to put him to death by crucifixion, but he was powerless to stop it. The Pharisees and the Sanhedrin's political hegemony were threatened by Jesus' spiritual teachings. That is why it was necessary to get rid of him. The Jews first intended to trial and execute Jesus in one of their own Kangaroo courts, casting him as an outcast - no longer a Judean. However, this would expose them as puppeteers, and the Romans as subservient to or manipulated by them. Not only that, but the Jews would potentially blackmail or threaten Pontius Pilate with disloyalty to the Emperor if he did not carry out the execution of Jesus for the supposed crime of treason against the State. Pontius couldn't uncover a scrap of proof against Jesus for treachery, but he was willing to convict him for a much lesser crime in order to appease the Jews' bloodlust and vindictiveness.

According to Pontus Pilate, he was so appalled by the Jews' actions that he chose to wash his hands literally and ritually before Christ was crucified in order to signify his hands as being clean of the crimes of unjustly punishing an innocent man. Jesus was presumably whipped before being crucified on a cross. The guards who were meant to keep vigil over the grave were taken aback when Jesus was said to have vanished from the tomb by Saturday morning. The guards claimed they had been on duty all night watching the grave, but it appeared to Pontius Pilate that Divine Intervention had occurred because the huge stone with ropes around it, which was also blocking the entrance to the grave, had been rolled over in the morning and Jesus' body had vanished. It's odd that Pontius Pilate defined Jesus' physical traits as not Jewish, but rather a blended or mixed Greek-type (therefore more European in appearance). Pontius Pilate goes on towards the end of the trial and post-trial, where he was required to travel to Caesarea and have a copy of the report on Jesus given to Tiberius. The details mentioned in the book "Pontius Pilate and the Jews" were taken verbatim from Carlo Maria Franzero's revised version of Pontius Pilot's Autobiography. In order to conclude the program, Pastor Eli James offers his perspective of what was happening in Rome at the time in reference to the many Jewish subgroups present and their varied connections to the Central Government in Rome.
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