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LBRY Claims • stupid-bitch


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Created On
12 Feb 2022 01:24:12 UTC
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Safe for Work
Stupid Bitch Literally Smitten on Stage after Bragging About her Innoculation
The name of this extremely stupid woman is Heather McDonald, in case that matters to you for some ridiculous reason. She will forever just be the lady who was smited in front of an audience, which erupted in laughter at how stupid this bitch is. No, I didn't add the laugh track or boost it; they actually laughed that hard after seeing this extremely stupid and ugly plastic woman get seriously injured. This is literally the biggest boost to her "career" that could possibly happen, and it's solely because of how bad she looks.

After the event, she completely ignored the obvious causes and played dumb. Lady, when you have something this insane happen, literally a combination of divine intervention and side effects from the vaccine, maybe you ought to take a step back and acknowledge what you're doing wrong. But no, no mention whatsoever. Just pretend God doesn't exist honey, I'm sure that'll work out for you and your cult members. Remember, everything is 100% a coincidence! There's absolutely no way that this had anything to do with the fact that she took a ton of vaccines. It also has nothing to do with the fact that she committed blasphemy. Nothing whatsoever. Move along, and keep that dim little brain of yours switched in the "OFF" position. We wouldn't want any "thoughts" now, would we?

It goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyways...she clearly deserved it.
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