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4 Aug 2022 06:36:53 UTC
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Must Watch! The Shift that Derailed Approaching 100% of Christendom
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A full video transcript for this message can be found on my Facebook under my name Andrew Tiner or in the community section on my channel.

Must Watch! The Shift That Derailed Approaching 100% of Christendom
If you are a disciple of Jesus, I want to bring something to your attention that is very extraordinarily important; Abraham, who most Christians say is as their father, the father of the faith, did not have the Scriptures.  He did not follow the Torah.  And when the promise came to Abraham from God, the promise came through FAITH, and that promise was to Abraham and to all of those who would have the same sort of faith that Abraham had. (Read Genesis 12:1-3-Gen 15-18) So, the question is, what kind of faith did Abraham have?  Well, I will tell you what sort of faith Abraham did NOT have; Abraham did not have faith in the Scriptures (they didn’t exist yet), his faith was not about how biblical he was, his faith was not in a prophet or in a preacher.  Abraham’s faith was in the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD and his desire to know TRUTH.  God gave each and every single one of us a conscience and a will.  We can choose good or we can choose evil. (Reference what God said in Genesis 4:6-7) I also want to submit to you, that Abraham, in the time that he lived was not a good time,(such as Sodom, Gen.13:13 ) Abraham’s own family worshiped idols. (Joshua 24:2-14) Abraham did not come into the faith because his dad was a good person, or because his wife honored God.  He did not have a good mentor.  Abraham came into the faith because out of his own will he chose to live righteously, and God seeing his heart blessed him and pulled him out of the land of idolatry and made him a “sojourner”, a pilgrim walking this world to the promise land. (Hebrews 11:8-12)  Abraham did not belong in the world, but he belonged in the Kingdom of Heaven!  The same faith that Abraham had, you and I also, we must have.  I want to bring it to your attention, that the majority of the Christian culture today, absolutely does NOT have the faith that Abraham once had.  The Christian culture today, they have faith in the bible, they are biblical.  The pinnacle of most Christian’s spirituality is how biblical they are, and that is why they are ALWAYS looking for a biblical prophet, a biblical church, a biblical gathering, they are always looking for morsels from the bible.  They think they can be fed by the bible, they think they can navigate themselves into eternal life through the bible.  This is a deception from Satan.  You cannot enter everlasting life by being biblical or by getting into a good bible fearing church or being on an island alone with the scriptures.  Remember that the faith that came to Abraham was also promised to all his children, all that would receive the SAME sort of faith that Abraham did!  Abraham was not justified by works of the law, the Torah, he was not justified by how well he knew the scriptures.  Abraham knew God.  And he chose to surrender himself to the one true living God and God blessed him.  God pulled Abraham out of the land of idolatry and set him on the right path.  Anyone who really wants to be as a child of Abraham and inherit everlasting life has to come to that same sort of faith that Abraham did.  Abraham was not justified by works of the law, (Yet he was circumcised as an act of obedience to God’s command to him) the Torah, he was not justified by how well he knew the scriptures.  Abraham knew God and he chose to surrender himself to the One True Living God and God blessed him.  God pulled Abraham out of the land of idolatry and set him on the right path.  Anyone who really wants to be as a child of Abraham and inherit everlasting life has to come to that same sort of faith that Abraham did, because God has not changed.  It is Satan and Satan’s offspring who have tried to convince all Christians and all disciples everywhere in the world that the pinnacle of all spirituality is bible knowledge, bible understanding, now much we know the scriptures.  But let it be known that this will NOT save you.  The bible will not save you, your church will not save you.  Listening to sermons will not save you, nor will listening to Christian music, the Christian culture.  You need to have the same sort of faith that Abraham had, God has not changed.  It is YOU who have changed and the church culture that has changed and deviated from the truth.  If you want to be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God and have everlasting life, you have to pray, just as Abraham did, you have to have faith, just as Abraham did, you have to overcome sin and temptation and the world, just as Abraham did, and you have to be a sojourner and a pilgrim just as Abraham was.  Are you willing to leave your family like how Abraham did?  Leaving his father who was into idolatry, leaving his town, his area, to enter into the pr...
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