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LBRY Claims • Texas-School-Shooting,-Ukraine,-The-Oath-Crime-War,-Covax,-Monkeypox-The-Richie-Allen-Show-Wednesday-May-25th


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28 May 2022 00:37:35 UTC
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CIA Oligarch Victor Pinchuk; Julian Assange Hopes; Rich List 2022, NOT BCfm Politics Show 27May22
Ukrainian Oligarch And 2014 Coup Master Victor Pinchuk Exposed As CIA Freemason Australian Election Result May Help Julian Assange Sunday Times Rich List 2022 NOT The BCfm Politics Show 27May22

Ukraine - history and freemasons. Ukrainian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk exposed as Grand Master of most powerful Kiev lodge and pulling strings during the Maidan coup for the CIA .. false flag NATO operations... Victor Pinchuk Foundation and his Yalta Strategy Group discussing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which they were planning to

Ben Norton of the Multipolar Podcast interview Michael Hudson on his New Book The Destiny of Civilisation: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism - Global economy run by banksters city of london, etc.

Empire Of Lies – one s explainde by the BBC World Service this week in their documentary: The Advertising Trap which explores the massive fraud in internet advertising where advertisers have 'bots' which pretend to be humans clicking on ads so that the ad company will earn revenue despite nobody having clicked on the ad.

Digital planet – examines video conferencing apps like Skype or Zoom which still send an audio stream to the server despite users having muted their microphone making it possible for them to be used as surveillence tools even when users think they are muted

PMQ's Kier Starmer tackles Boris Johnson on the cost of living crisis .

Boris dismisses enormous driving licence and passport delays because the civil service is badly managed, badly funded and has just been dealt a morale blow when it was announced 90,000 jobs will supposedly be cut

welsh parliament question - Ceredigion rural fuel relief scheme – the system is broken so sticking plasters are being put on the wounds rather than treating the root cause which is greed of the banksters and other financiers

Property bubble – the rentiers owning hight street shops but having no intention of renting them out, simply using them as an investment high streets in heritage, absent landlords.Boris supposedly proposes "unlimited fines" for leaving shops empty if you can believe that

Northern Ireland protocol... good Friday agreement and financial support for the Irish may not be available until the DUP agrees to re-open Stormont

Levellers Day 21st May 2022, frmembering 17th May 1649 when three Leveller soldiers in the Parliamentary Army were shot for mutiny, but now considered martyrs for refusing to fight for Cromwell in Ireland Professor Mark Chapman address on the Levellers and prayers offered in Burford churchyard may 1649. The men were killed on Oliver Cromwell's orders yet speakers at Levellers Day are largely pro-republican and anti-monarchist
Richard Burgen MP interviewed on why he comes to Levellers Day, threats to democracy today through the ballot box through voter id, limiting trades unions and stopping the right to peacefully protest – also the cost of living crisis and the Julian Assange case - voter suppression

A new Labour Australian government under Albernezi and Drefus means Julian Assange may be less likely to be extradited to the USA. Extradition deals being bargaining chips perhaps Kevin Spacey and Anne Sekulas, US citizens who are bothe wanted in the UK diplomacy... US special relationship ... with a lapdogs


PMQs cost of living crisis clip – imbalance between rich and poor in the UK is going off the scae.

Kevin Cahill special report on the Sunday Times 2022 Rich List: Kleptopia book by FT journalist Tom Burgess – two possibly opposing sets of oligarchs - Russian and European - tax evasion by the media barons and the companies who own the printing presses- playing tax haven wack-a-mole as one tax haven is shut down the money simply moves elsewhere

School shooting in texas – the citizens have the right to bear arms in the uSA and perhaps this is some sort of put-up-job in order to guilt trip senators and congressmen into uverturning gun ownership rights for US citizens

Is David Icke a fake version of editor of The Truth Campaign, Ivan Frazer? Ivan calls out 'remote viewing expert' Tim Matthews on Jon Ronson's 1998 TV show 'For The Love Of Big Brother' as an agent on the TV whose job is to ster the conversation away from anything revealing or important

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