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31 Aug 2017 19:35:48 UTC
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Still Report #554 - Fox Desperate for Trump
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According to reporting by RedStateWatcher Fox News is in full panic-mode trying to convince Donald Trump to drop plans for a fundraiser and join this evening’s final Republican debate.
However, Donald isn’t budging and this morning, both CNN and One America News Network have confirmed they will carry the Trump event live from 9 to 11 pm tonight.
12 hours ago, Bill O’Reilly spent about one-third of his show trying to convince Trump to participate in the debate.
During the incredibly unusual segment, Trump made it clear that he is committed to the fund-raiser rally at a nearby Drake University’s Sheslow Auditorium to benefit wounded American military veterans - and also made it clear that he would be giving a substantial donation himself.
When Megyn Kelly’s show began at 9 pm eastern, Kelly looked like she was in tears just before the show’s opening.
Ok. Time out. Advice to Megyn; just drop the all-powerful avenging warrior act you open your show with.
“I’m Megyn Kelly and the Lord God in Heaven ain’t got nothing on me.”
Nobody is going to put up with that tone for long. Tone it down -- just a notch. Add a pinch of humility. We need you, but we need you to be good.
Oh, note to O’Reilly – same for you, Bill. You used to occasionally refer to yourself as “your humble correspondent”. I think you need to practice that mantra more often now, before your numbers start inexplicably heading south. We need you too, but you two are blowing it.
You guys just aren’t handling success well. Go ask Brit Hume for advice. He has handled it well.
Ok, back to the story.
On the failing MSNBC network, former Congressman Joe Scarborough revealed that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes has been reaching out to the women in Trump’s life - Ivanka and Melania Trump – to try to get them to convince the Donald to change his mind. But Donald has made it clear that he will only negotiate with Fox News owner, Rupert Murdoch.
Ok. Obviously, this story is breaking fast and furiously. This just in. We now know why Trump is insisting on only dealing with Rupert Murdoch. According to an exclusive report in the Daily Intelligencer, it was Roger Ailes, himself, along with his attorney – Peter Johnson, Jr. - who penned that incredibly unprofessional statement to Trump on Tuesday:
“We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president.”
“A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”
And that’s why Trump walked away from the Fox debate.
Roger, here’s a bit of advice for you. It’s time for you and Johnson to retire.
That has got to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever written. Under the circumstances, Trump has acted very restrained towards you guys.
And that’s why O’Reilly was begging Trump last night. That’s why O’Reilly inexplicably and lamely even tried to defend this childish and insulting piece of juvenile humor on air.
On top of that, Roger Ailes had ordered both O’Reilly and Sean Hannity to cancel scheduled appearances by Trump last night. Hannity complied with the order from his boss, O’Reilly – to his credit – did not.
Other Fox senior executives are already calling this a massive internal crisis.
Roger, at this point, if you two don’t step down, and apologize to Trump, you’ll kill Fox.
Here is what Fox may lose besides reputation as the leading cable news channel. According to Rush Limbaugh:
“Fox was hoping to get $750,000 a minute, I heard, and they may be down to $150,000 a minute if Trump isn't there."
Let’s do the math. That’s a $600,000 per minute loss - - equals about 36 million dollars per hour. But the reputational losses can be far, far greater.
On top of this, A new Monmouth University poll just released yesterday shows Trump opening up a solid 7-point lead over nearest rival Ted Cruz.
Next to last point – According to Breibart, Google and Fox had invited a popular Muslim YouTuber who has compared Trump with Hitler to participate in asking questions during the debate. Her name is Nabela Noor. In a December YouTube she said:
“We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia…”
Hmmm, Islamaphobia is a term Muslim leaders cooked up years ago to quickly dismiss and neutralize the inevitable and justified criticism they knew was coming over the horizon.
It’s a safe bet that her questions towards Trump would be run repeatedly in Hillary Clinton attack ads. If Trump doesn’t show, that noxious split-screen opportunity will be lost and Clinton’s minions would have to settle for cuts between unrelated events.
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