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8 Oct 2022 17:12:17 UTC
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Eduard de Boer: Symphonic Poem 'Toward Freedom' - Version for Orchestra (without Choir)
For more background information, see
This is an abridged version for a composition with the same title for orchestra and and choir. It has been inspired by the Freedom Convoy in Canada, early 2022, and this versionconsists of eight movements that flow into one another without breaks. Here follows a description of each of these movements:

00:00 I. Introduction: Under the Yoke
A depiction of a bleak atmosphere of suppression, under the guise of ‘prioritizing the health and safety of citizens’. Central theme is a melody derived from ‘O, Canada’, Canada’s national anthem.
01:59 II. Growing Protest
Next to the O Canada motive, bits of Beethoven’s Alle Menschen werden Brüder theme start to appear.
05:21 III. Framing and Shaming
The Alle Menschen werden Brüder theme is ridiculed, while the O Canada motive is wrapped in a cloak of cheap seduction.
06:45 IV. Charity
A merging of Beethoven’s melody with the O Canada motive symbolizes the people’s willingness to help by donating. Halfway this ‘stanza’ the Vita Aeterna motive, symbolizing positive karma, appears for the first time.
13:00 V. March with Empty Jerry Cans
When the government had descended to the level of making things like carrying jerry cans filled with fuel punishable by law, people started walking the streets with empty jerry cans, thereby making use of one of the mightiest weapons that humanity has at its disposal: humor. Beethoven’s theme, in the shape that he used in the scherzo from the finale of his ninth symphony, is now in counterpoint with the O Canada motive, now reshaped into the global anthem melody that will conclude the composition.
14:49 VI. Brute Force
Time and time again, history has shown that the one thing that totalitarian systems can’t stand is humor. So, now the government descends to the level of brute force and it violently crushes the Freedom Convoy movement. It doing so, the noble O Canada motive is besmirched.
16:48 VII. Despondency
This ‘stanza’ can be subdivided into three parts: a depiction of a desolate battlefield after a battle, an expression of grief, and finally a return to the somber atmosphere of the opening stanza.
20:26 VIII. Finale: Ode an die Freiheit (Ode to Freedom)
To keep a tyrannical system in place, people must be convinced that the system is there for their own good. This means that by descending to a level of brute violence, a totalitarian regime in fact signs its own death warrant, in the long run. Time and again, history has shown this, and the globalists know it.
This stanza starts off with a lonely fugue theme, getting stronger and more lively as time goes by, and then being joined by the Vita Aeterna, the O Canada and the Alle Menschen werden Brüder themes respectively. The movement culminates first into a jubilant merging of the Alle Menschen werden Brüder and the O Canada themes, and finally into the global anthem, the melody of which had already appeared in the ninth movement.

10:04 Encore ad libitum. ‘Material Aid’
The Vita Aeterna, the O Canada and the Alle Menschen werden Brüder motives, all together in a tender triple counterpoint.

It is my firm belief that the actual reason why the Canadian government was hell-bent on thwarting the Freedom Convoy uprising had nothing to do with protecting the economy and everything to do with the growing fraternization of the Canadian population. In order to push an agenda as destructive as the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, it is vital to ‘divide and conquer’, as the saying goes, and the type of fraternization that the Freedom Convoy brought about, went against this. In my view, this was the actual reason why the global policymakers felt so strongly that something had to do done about it. In doing so, by framing and shaming, and by issuing ever more absurd legislations, they eventually felt compelled to resort to brutal violence, whereby the last remnants of their masks of friendliness and care for ‘their’ citizens fell off.

Indeed it is also my firm belief that in fraternization lies the way out of the problems that we, ordinary citizens of the world, are confronted with in this crucially important phase of the history of humankind. As a composer, I feel called to contribute to this, and it is for this reason that I wrote this composition, inspired by the Canadian Freedom Convoy protest and by the events that unfolded as a result, and entitled it Toward Freedom.
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