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LBRY Claims • MMC_10MinAMRAPLower_122017_171


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17 Jan 2023 01:20:42 UTC
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Safe for Work
Workout 171 – 10 Minute AMRAP Bodyweight Lower Body

10 Mins, Bodyweight Only, Lower-Body, No Weights, Tara

This lower body workout fires up the largest muscle group in your body to burn a ton of fat calories. You’ll only do three moves over 15 minutes, and it will shape muscles and increase strength better than spending hours in the gym!

What’s Inside This Video:
Dr. Jade’s signature techniques in this workout include …

B’s and H’s: Breathless, burning, heavy and heat. These sensations indicate your body is reacting to how you’re moving, and priming your metabolism to burn fat-calories during and after your workout.
Rest-based training: Remember that keeping clean, strong form is your first priority, pushing yourself hard is second. Clean form builds neuromuscular connections in your brain, builds muscle functionally, and prevents injury. Rest when you need to fully reset: physically and psychologically.
AMRAP: You’ll perform as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes.
Here’s What You’ll Do:

Perform the following moves, AMRAP 15 minutes.

10 full reps, followed by 10 pulses, each leg, of Bulgarian Split Squat
10 Alternating Step-Ups
10 Switch Jumps, slow and low
Dr. Jade’s Notes:

Get a warm up in before you start the workout.
Tara provides exercise modifications at the beginning of the video.
If you don’t have a chair or box for Bulgarian Split Squats, OK to do regular lunges.
OK to use a lower box or chair than what Tara is using. Use whatever you have available.
Go slow and low on the Switch Jumps, really focusing on getting your back knee as low to the ground as possible.
How to Maximize Your Workout:

Rest: If you’re losing good go ahead and rest. You don’t have to wait for the rest period.
Focus: Keep your mind on your muscles for maximum results.
Cool down: Budget some time for stretches and/or a walk after the workout to reduce soreness.
Workout Description: 10 full reps and 10 pulses, each leg of Bulgarian Split Squat, 10 Alternating Step-Ups, 10 Switch Jumps, slow and low. AMRAP for 15 minutes.

Equipment Needed: Step, Box, Bench, or Chair. Timer.
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