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LBRY Claims • My-Recap


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30 Jan 2024 21:17:07 UTC
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My Recap
There are timecodes in the description and video.

*¹Missed to put out some "livestream" and "PRIVATE" texts in a handful of videos. Also some year inputs could've been missed or misplaced but still acceptable.
*²The video ain't perfect, BUT I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I'm really proud of it :)
*³It's mostly made for me anyway
*⁴Remember that I took "snippets" from all 600 clips (video and livestream) ONLY FROM MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. I tried to take the most memorable, easy to find, interesting, what actually happened and maybe even funny highlights.
*⁵In "The Incident", remember that we are friends now.
*⁶The song choice might not be your taste (*³) but they are nostalgic bop songs for me.
*⁷This long of a video made it so I wanted a lot to be said (a lot was mentioned). 4 hours and 41 minutes is hefty (but still reasonable in my opinion because I kept it simple. Remember that not everything was mentioned and that more context probably could've been brought up in some scenarios but too much text could also tire your eyes (so rest, sit back, relax and enjoy. Maybe even sleep through it or have as background noise, I will try not to be bothered about it hehe). Still though, future projects are pending (which also depends on how I disperse my time). I gave y'all some hints ;)
*⁸Remember I'm a small channel so many probably won't watch this (*³), but any names that don't want to be mentioned shall contact me so we can discuss it. If negotiation ain't an option then I'd have to remove that certain part of the video. However, I hope that is not necessary because I tried to be as unbiased as possible (*⁵) meaning no bad connotation towards anyone was intended.
*⁹Disclaimer: I play games a lot in this video and if you're not a gamer or interested in these type of games then this might not be intended for you. However, other stories were told and more perspectives were covered so give see how you might actually like it.
*¹⁰The quality in some videos might seem worse because the original videos they derive from, didn't always have the highest bitrate.
*¹¹I usually swear a ton but this was acceptable.
*¹²I used KdenLive, great program by the way, but it lagged quite the bunch when editing because I had many cuts and jobs. Jobs meaning either a picture, video, color clip or text clip (maybe even some transitions). About 3000 jobs so imagine how many cuts were made, an adequate amount I think because too many can overload the brain.
*¹³I wanted to keep this video a secret in the beginning but as time passed, certain people wondered what I had been doing. My head was in the gutter basically. I work more efficiently when a project is kept secret (unexpecting).
*¹⁴This was supposed to be released on my birthday because I turned 18. I had actually been wanting to do a montage for a long time so I guess it was quite post-poned.
*¹⁵I have new friends in high school (meaning gymnasiet in Swedish right? Idk, never learn). I wanted to mention them because I recently played and recorded a game of PUBG with one of them but because it wasn't released on Youtube (either publicly, privately, as a recorded video or livestream), I couldn't allow myself putting it into the video.
*¹⁶If you wondered why I didn't just section for example all of my Minecraft videos into just one pile instead of being spread over the entire video, there are two reasons. Firstly, more variation, not the same game. Secondly, it's not the date I released the video. I want to do this video in an annual and monthly chronological order (chrono means time). Besides, it might get tiring to finish one game to just be set back a couple of years and then repeat. It's better to just keep on moving forward, don't watch the same thing too often and not always to repetitive. Catch my drift? No? Screw off then. I know I'm aware of a lot of imperfections (and that being aware and not doing anything about isn't always good) but all in all I like it. If any family member, long-time viewer or friend remembers a moment from my video that I didn't mention, hit me up!
*¹⁷This video took a lot of time to produce and if you disliked the video you might wonder how it really could take such a long time. Well, many aspects had to be considered and concluded but I'm not going to mention them here.
*¹⁸Heads up: the audio mastering is not the greatest.

Last Message:
I've always wanted to say "This goes out to" (as if I held a big speech) so I will say that this goes out to my parents because I sincerely love them because of all the resources and possibilities I was handed to. After I got both of those, whatever I did with them is disclosed.

Hope you enjoy this video and thank you all so much for watching!

0:00 - Introduction/thankful
1:51 - 2015
2:12 - 2016
2:15 - 2017
2:18 - 2018
6:08 - Channels
9:07 - 2018 Again
20:44 2019
35:35 2020
1:30:20 "The Incident"
2:02:36 Still 2020
2:04:34 2021
2:41:35 2022 (long)
3:44:00 2023
4:41:08 2024
4:39:46 FIN/outroduction
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