1993 _EN_ (ES) Ologram, The trap of the law of karma - Past life regression Calogero Grifasi
Who can assure us that#reincarnation means an evolution of a human being? And what if it were a trap inflicted on us by #AstralEntities who manifest themselves as wise and good beings? Inspired by Calogero Grifasi's investigations in the world of #EsotericHypnosis, this ironic and funny video makes us think about the most widely spread #dogmas and #beliefs.
Quem nos assegura que a #reencarnação é uma evolução para o ser humano? E se fosse uma armadilha perpetrada por #EntidadesAstral que se apresentam como sábios e bonzinhos? Inspirado pelas investigações de Calogero Grifasi no mundo da #HipnoseEsotérica, este videoclipe, irônico e divertido, nos faz refletir sobre os #dogmas e as #crenças mais difundidas.
#Olograma, o canal dele: https://www.youtube.com/user/IbridProductions
INFO: http://www.youtube.com/user/calogerogrifasi/about
Maintenant vous pouvez suivre les nouvelles sessions sur la chaîne française:
Pour plus d’informations sur les cours de formation ou pour réserver une session d’hypnose régressive, visitez https://www.calogerogrifasi.com/fr ou envoyez un e-mail à info@calogerogrifasi.com
Dans la session d’#hypnose aujourd’hui Isabelle souhaite d’abord revenir sur les #CausesEsotériques de certaines afflictions physiques comme ses acouphènes et ses migraines ophtalmiques. Ensuite elle nous parle de ses messages qu’elle reçoit télépathiquement lui révélant des informations variées. Enfin Isabelle souhaite revenir sur sa relation avec ses deux filles.
Dans cette session, sera mis en exergue les fabuleuses possibilités de #création qui s’offre à chacun de nous lorsque nous récupérons notre pouvoir et toute notre volonté sur notre #EspaceEnergétique. Il s’agira de démontrer que les émotions forment un outil de controle puissant et surtout que dans l’éther, rien de se détruit, tout se transforme.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HypnoseRegressiveCalogeroGrifasi
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hypnoseregressive
É comum raças #alienígenas se passarem por mensageiros de amor para conquistar a confiança daquele que é parasitado. Estamos afrontando um caso que, como tantos, vai além do campo espiritual, levando consequências graves para o corpo físico. Esteban lista seus problemas físicos, fracasso no campo profissional, afastamento da família. A morte de sua mãe também o levou a desenvolver depressão.
Uma noite, Esteban tem um a sensação de estar úmido, após ter tido um sonho estranho em que tinha relações sexuais com um mulher que, no final do ato, se transforma em uma barata.
Além disso, em sua infância, Esteban e sua irmã mais velha recebem a misteriosa visita de um homem que se fazia chamar de Professor John e que prometia ajuda-los, aconselhando os pais de Esteban venderem a casa a se mudarem. Em #hipnose, Esteban reencontra professor John e ele não é exatamente o que dizia ser.
INFO: http://www.youtube.com/user/calogerogrifasi/about
?? My name is Calogero Grifasi and I created a team of virtual hypnosis operators who treat people in a non-medical context, in order to allow them to find out on their own what they experience and what affects them on the etheric level, which later on is reflected on the physical one.
#Hypnosis is also a trend on the internet. On the thin line between a dream and a harsh reality there lies #consciousness. To access it you can either meditate daily and build your character, or you can reach it in a more direct way, through hypnosis.
It’s not anything new. In fact, this method is very popular and supported by specialists, with the Colombian Aurelio Mejía as the teacher of several generations. What isn’t so common is reaching the esoteric level through the internet and connecting in hypnosis with a support operator and hypnotist in any language, with a simultaneous translation.
The person concerned can find an etheric answer to their physical problems from the comfort of their own house. And what comes out is better than any science-fiction story…
FB: https://www.facebook.com/calogero.grifasi/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/calogerogrifasi/
For more information about training courses or to book a session, visit https://www.calogerogrifasi.com/en - https://www.calogerogrifasiacademy.com/en/ or send a request to info@calogerogrifasi.com
Disclosures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TV_5F9jTxCGF3YaKeAKEyTRpZIXGwVc
Calogero Grifasi Investigations - English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7jB_tmON_1oG5XOSwrCgg
Calogero Grifasi Investigations 2 - English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO9ZC6eHmt8g2M_75NAORag
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PastLifeRegressionCalogeroGrifasi
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RegressiveHypnosis
Telegram: https://t.me/EN_PastLifeRegression_Grifasi
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEmdmW6kuKCUKUU9pg
Questo canale non pubblicherà più sessioni con base in lingua italiana, manterrà le sue caratteristiche internazionali ma esclusivamente in lingua inglese.
La congiunzione di lingue diverse confonde e complica il lavoro dell'algoritmo.
Le sessioni esclusivamente in lingua italiana (senza traduzione) verranno pubblicate sul canale italiano: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Kbd0SP-pwHM_SrUObZl4g
Altre sessioni con base in lingua italiana possono essere seguite sul canale francese: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL3mRMKKbGDOP33MBNkvwvw
Sul canale rumeno: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4s16spzpC9pF36QL5985wg
E sul canale russo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiaA5KDxWYagNOYcSUZZSMA
Ci vediamo sugli altri canali! ?
?? My name is Calogero Grifasi and I created a team of virtual hypnosis operators who treat people in a non-medical context, in order to allow them to find out on their own what they experience and what affects them on the etheric level, which later on is reflected on the physical one.
#Hypnosis is also a trend on the internet. On the thin line between a dream and a harsh reality there lies #consciousness. To access it you can either meditate daily and build your character, or you can reach it in a more direct way, through hypnosis.
It’s not anything new. In fact, this method is very popular and supported by specialists, with the Colombian Aurelio Mejía as the teacher of several generations. What isn’t so common is reaching the esoteric level through the internet and connecting in hypnosis with a support operator and hypnotist in any language, with a simultaneous translation.
The person concerned can find an etheric answer to their physical problems from the comfort of their own house. And what comes out is better than any science-fiction story…
FB: https://www.facebook.com/calogero.grifasi/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/calogerogrifasi/
For more information about training courses or to book a session, visit https://www.calogerogrifasi.com/en - https://www.calogerogrifasiacademy.com/en/ or send a request to info@calogerogrifasi.com
Disclosures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TV_5F9jTxCGF3YaKeAKEyTRpZIXGwVc
Calogero Grifasi Investigations - English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7jB_tmON_1oG5XOSwrCgg
Calogero Grifasi Investigations 2 - English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO9ZC6eHmt8g2M_75NAORag
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PastLifeRegressionCalogeroGrifasi
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RegressiveHypnosis
Telegram: https://t.me/EN_PastLifeRegression_Grifasi
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEmdmW6kuKCUKUU9pg
Per maggiori informazioni sui corsi di formazione o per prenotare una sessione d'ipnosi regressiva, visita https://www.calogerogrifasi.com/it o invia una e-mail a info@calogerogrifasi.com
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IpnosiRegressivaCalogeroGrifasi/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ipnosi.regressiva.calogero.grifasi/
Para más información sobre los cursos de formación o para reservar una sesión de hipnosis regresiva, visita https://calogerogrifasi.com/es o envía un correo a info@calogerogrifasi.com
Ahora podéis seguir las nuevas sesiones en el canal español: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJOUfQ_mQs7ddW0khrpJDuQ
Página Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hipnosis.regresiva.calogero.grifasi
Grupo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HipnosisRegresivaCalogeroGrifasi