You can hear me lock my door, go down the stairs at the beginning of the video, then hear him say to 'go', I was actually leaving the building, so I take out my video camera to show him what I am doing then he attacks me as soon as I pull out the camera, while my back was to a closed, locked door, crushing my ribs bruising or cracking them pushing and holding me down on ground. The cops come talk to three of the residents , then blamed me. They collude and lie together.
Listen at the end of the video yes lots of just black space, but listen to what he says after I tell him he attacked me - he says you attacked me - complete nonsense, not even close to truth but this is what the residents are lying to the Vancouver Police About then the VPD blames me instead of charging this guy for assault and threats - death threats in the past.
This one has comments by me in a couple of places: At the beginning where I am surprised to see the protest return South over the Granville Bridge and another where we see the role the police play in this.
00:00 Video Begins, comment on uniqueness of this protest
05:11 Keeping The Peace
00:00 Protesters Return To VGH
00:24 Gabriel Asks If This Is The End
00:58 We Introduce Ourselves, Shake Hands, Bare
02:11 Protest Finishes With The Singing Of The National Anthem Of Canada, "O Canada"
The location is officially at Willow and 12th but the plaza makes it very difficult to know that if you do not already know about it. For example if a driver is looking for a street named Willow between Heather and Oak, they will not see anything resembling a street even if there is a sign on a pole. So I never use it for fear of confusion which only confused me at the end there, lol! Maybe could have had a protein snack along the way to help that.
Will look to upload Raw Video of walking through crowds at 12th and Cambie, others in the next few but have to put out Volume 1, Edition 4 of
I am looking for support for so if you and enjoyed these series of videos from the Vancouver Anti-Mandates Protest, please help in whatever way you can.
Thank you!
It's not much but that king sized mattress is perfectly fine against that solid wall for punching and kicking, which is important I do almost right after any strength training. Like working out on the balcony but need to focus training here now.
You have no idea what it really is like throwing unless you practice especially if you are older. The one thing I am missing are guys throwing kicks and punches at me but hopefully I will find a solution for that soon.
I'll do little videos of the training sessions. It is important to see what you can do without having anything you really could use, like weights, benches, bags, etc.
I started using water bottles last year when we had that bullshit two weeks to flatten the curve lie that extended...was obvious to me by then this was tyranny and it was up to all of us to physical fitness up. Hard to start somewhere given I have chronic pain from tendinopathy due to a decades-long undiagnosed partially torn rotator cuff injury, plus another, longer-standing pain issue on the other side of the neck, likely osteoarthritis in there, ffs.
As I had to start light weight anyways, the 4 litre Water bottles, 8.8 pounds, were fine. One gallon bottles in the USA are more like 8.3 pounds.
So now I am adding combat training on the regular, to that. Never thought I would need it given childhood 'training', always disregarded jiu jitsu for example but I was proven wrong about that recently, lol.
The water bottles weight are harder to control than just a straight bar as I am using handles taken from a set of bands to lift the bottles, as you should notice in future videos.
A pleasant walk down West Broadway after coming off the Granville Bridge, eventually returning to where we all started the day, Vancouver General Hospital on West 12th where Willow would be if Willow went to 12th.
It is doubtful you have ever fully considered all the steps that go into eating so have no real clear idea of where or how you can really gain advantages in Time and Money. Here is some, heh, food for thought until then.