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4 Aug 2022 06:34:13 UTC
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It's not Natural to Hear God: Here's Why
It’s Not Natural to Hear God:  Here’s Why
You don’t have to teach anyone how to hear the voice of Satan, that comes naturally for each of us.  All you have to do is not have self-control, not have love, and if you don’t even believe in Satan THAT IS OKAY, you can STILL hear his voice because you just have to serve yourself.  And many of us our just serving ourselves, just serving the pleasures of our own flesh.  So, no wonder we cannot hear God when we are tuned into the devil and gratifying the desires of our flesh.  A lot of people though they DO want to hear GOD, they want to hear the truth of the Holy Spirit.  So, how do we hear the truth of the Holy Spirit?  Well, that is a bit more difficult, in fact A LOT more difficult because in order to hear God who is also SPIRIT, you have to DENY YOUR FLESH and pick up your cross.  You have to have self-control, you have to have loyalty and dedication.  You don’t need those things to follow Satan.  People can hear the voice of Satan without any self-control, without ANY ability.  But in order to follow Jesus Christ you have to hone in on the SPIRIT OF LIFE!  You have to seek after Him with ALL of your heart. And there are a lot of people who want to hear the voice of God and they will NEVER hear it.  I don’t say that to discourage anybody, but many of us are not willing to do the work to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  It’s kind of like saying that not many of us will be able to be married and have a good relationship with out spouse.  It’s not because we are just doomed to a bad relationship, but it is because many of us are lazy and don’t want to work out the relationship with our spouse.  But it’s as simple as daily communication, daily staying humble, daily apologizing, daily working out our situations in life from the beginning of the day to the end of the day.  If we are willing to work with our spouse THEH we will have a good relationship.  But if we start to break communication with her or with him, then everything falls apart.  And similarly with our relationship with God.  It’s difficult for people to hear God when they have been with a different spouse, when they have been connected to the devil through serving themselves or addictions.  It is very difficult for them to break free from that relationship to hear a NEW MASTER.  So, if you are someone wanting to chase after truth, don’t be discouraged, you CAN!  In the name of Jesus He can set you free, but you are going to have to be dedicated to YOUR NEW MASTER.  You’re going to have to deny your flesh, choose to have self-control, stop listening to the devil.  You’re going to have to get rid of all the things, all of the voices that pull you away from the truth.  Jesus Christ is about the Light, the Truth.  He is about living pure and holy and if you want to know His voice you have to seek Him in spirit and in truth.  Does your heart desire what is holy and upright and pure?  Because if your heart does you will start to be able to hear the truth when you pray.  Listen with the ears of your conscience in the bottom of your soul.  Jesus promised that His sheep will hear His voice and they will not listen to a stranger.  Satan and his demons and all of those who follow him are strangers to us, and the majority in this world including a LOT of the Christian culture are agents of Satan.  No wonder it is HARD for people to hear God.  But if you are one of the few who are choosing to go the way of righteousness, go that way by listening to your conscience.  Your conscience is not the Holy Spirt, but your conscience is your spiritual ears to hear Him.  God gave you your conscience.   With your conscience you know right from wrong, you know that you have to have self-control, you know that you have to deny your flesh and put off what you know is evil, hatred, malicious thoughts, gossip, slander, pornography, things that ebb away at your life.  Put those things off and start pursuing the Spirit of Life and learn to hear God speak to you through situations in your life, through trials that may come your way, by temptations that you have to overcome.  Learn to hear God in those things, learn to see Him in every good thing and then you will be able to hear the Holy Spirit and you will be able to stop listening to the devil.  It is a day-to-day choice who you follow, who you listen to and who you obey.  Are we listening to Satan or are we listening to the Spirit of LIFE?  May the grace of Jesus be with you.
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