Raw Sewage flowing into the Umzimkulu from Pump Station 6 again on 11 June 2024 at 11AM
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance #rnm Welcome to another Water Woes video...
Raw Sewage flowing into the Umzimkulu from Pump Station 6 on 11 June 2024 at 11 AM.
This particular pump station recurring nightmare has been playing out for decades now. So many UGU and/or RNM people and nobody can fix or explain the problem. And why it keeps coming back after it gets worked on.
This video is being logged as evidence for the future and is being referred to the Auditor General as they do their job of sniffing this kind of thing out. The Auditor General was here recently, and he now knows everything.
However, please keep up the video submissions as they are really helping the Auditor General to understand the extent of the problem. From the sewage running into the Umzimkulu. To the poor people carrying water home with them in the taxi every day. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I_014wR1do
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
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Harding Water Problems - a Farmer's Plea to UGU
I saw Bertie Strydom on the UGU Water Woes WhatAapp Group, once again selflessly campaigning for the people of Harding. I contacted him again and after very little convincing, received two voice notes.
I processed the voice notes, and was about to start editing when I thought I might try Ai. I used an Ai to transcribe the voice over into text. I uploaded the copy to another Ai that can generate visuals from text.
This Ai went to work. With me actually quite deeply involved refining the prompt. The first result floored me. And then it asked how it could be improved. Speechless, I typed in that the video needs to be more African. The Ai lady sweetly added what she called an 'African Flavour' to the timeline.
And this is what you are watching.
More at...
https://youtube.com/@UCDvI-skjGYmrPsC6fbDjMCA (Neva miss a single sardine!)
https://youtube.com/@brucifire (Ai bashing surf reporter)
Thank you to Charmaine for submitting this - the very first Water Woes video to be uploaded.
Sewage freely making its stinking way from the Ramsgate sewage pump station, which was not operational this day. And so the overflow goes straight down the dune and into the shorebreak. Where people and fish swim.
A bigger thank you to Memory who has been the driving force behind turning all these videos into vlogs. Which can be used to leave a shit trail for investigators to follow for when it finally comes time to start prosecuting.
So please submit any and all video evidence of sewage or other water related abuses by your municipality in South Africa.
#shorts #portshepstone #hospital
Professor Turton was in port Shepstone this week there he was able to log yet another sewer overflow. This time at the hospital!
Pathogens and medicinal compounds especially abound in this raw sewage. The pathogens learn to live with the antibiotics and other medicines like estrogen. Antiretrovirals. All sorts. They start to develop immunity to these medicines. And when redeploy, they are super resistant to these medicines.
Creating a very vicious cycle.
You can watch a full video by Professor Anthony Turton on this exact subject right here...
And you can read the full story on The Sardine News right here...
Please subscribe to this channel.
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...
In this record of what is going on with the UGU Municipality and it's performance of duties, we visit the biggest dump imaginable. Right under the town. On the totally wasted Transnet land that should be a resort development. Instead of a dump.
Thank you to Billie and Roosta for the classic piece of citizen journalism.
Which we can all do!
Southport Water Leak 17 September 2022 - Hibberdene has no water this day
UGU Water has to make its way through miles of jumps and loops to get all the way to the outlying areas. Like Hibberdene and Palm Beach. If these seemingly non-stop leaks were plugged hastily - we would never run out of water here on the KZN South Coast.
Between all the leaks we have documented here, we could supply not only ourselves but also half of the rest of KZN. This is criminal. That people can be out of water due to leaks. Leaks that can easily be repaired. But something is stopping the repairs. Nobody answers the phone. Nobody comes out for days on end.
Do you think maybe, that this is perhaps maybe manipulation of the overtime system? Or are unions getting involved in the looting of yet another government entity? Or. Has the ANC lost control to the unions?
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...
This time we are up at the Vaal River. A river to which this once-developing country owes so much. It has brought water and joy to so many.
Polluted to hell
When the ANC took over 30 years ago, the Vaal River was in fine shape. I even got completely lost on that huge serpentine-like river. I was on a jet-ski exploring the waterways. The marinas. The restaurants. It was idyllic with so many people smiling and waving all around the place.
The water was clean and clear.
I am not sure what it is like these days. My experience as described was in the 90s.
But seeing that water lettuce in the video - well, there is all the evidence you need, right there. To explain what has happened.
Has turned the country into a toilet. When the power goes out, the sewerage pumps can't pump the sewage. The sumps fill. And they overflow. Directly into the nearest stream or river. Which leads to the next stream or river. And eventually, into the main arterial rivers like the Vaal. And to the dams. And the seas.
We need power
This country needs its lights put back on. For good. The country is not designed to run on half-power. Whatever stage load-shedding...it has brought the nation to its knees and the country to a cesspit.
And yes I know none of the culprits will ever read any of this! But it's a log of what is happening to this country at their hands.
Affiliated YouTube Channels
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...
Water Woes at Glenmarkie Drive in Ramsgate UGU 17 June 2023
#shorts #ugu #pumula #hibberdene #southport
Alleged Sabotage of Hibberdene water supply in Pumula 17 September 2022 HD
The sources of these clips understandably wish to stay anonymous for now.
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...
Understanding the UGU Water Crisis with Professor Anthony Turton
In my professional opinion, Ugu is on the brink of systemic collapse. The issue is complex. At present we are receiving only 16% Service Delivery. I have been monitoring daily now for some months and have enough data to do analytics on. That 16% means that for 16 days out of 100 we receive water at the required pressure. This is an important distinction to make, because about 50% of the time we do have some water, but pressure is too low to enable delivery across a topography characterised by undulating terrain. For about 25% of the time we have no water at all. This is likely to be representative of most of the Ugu area of supply, but it will vary depending on sub-system architecture.
What is evident from the data I have captured, is that as soon as system pressure goes above 3 Bar, we can anticipate failure shortly thereafter. This pattern is now evident in the data and the more I capture, the stronger that signal is likely to be.
This being the case, it speaks to a degraded infrastructure with two possible reasons for this regular oscillation between total system crash and subsequent recovery.
Reason A is that the system is now so broken, that we have multiple points of failure, so it's simply unable to be pressurised to anything beyond 3 Bar (as measured from my point of data capture, which is 50 metres above the pipeline at Batstone Drift). That would translate to 8 bar at Batstone.
Reason B is that deliberate sabotage is taking place, probably organised by a syndicate connected to the tender process for the procurement of tanker delivery services. This needs to be fully investigated and is beyond my capacity as an individual, but it is consistent with what is known to be happening in different jurisdictions. For example, we know of a criminal syndicate sabotaging infrastructure in a different province, and we know that this is a multi million Rand business. We also know from forensic work that has been conducted in a major metro, that the capture of the supply chain in a water service provider, has been ongoing since 2001. We can safely conclude that criminal syndicates are nested into different parts of the procurement process, in different municipalities, all harvesting revenues from degraded infrastructure.
Both these reasons are serious, demanding a precise investigation by a competent and credible authority. Unless we do this, we will continue to experience systemic failure to the point where commercial activities will cease to be viable.
I therefore place this information out there, urging a Chamber of Commerce to take this matter up as a matter of priority.