Raw Sewage flowing into the Umzimkulu from Pump Station 6 again on 11 June 2024 at 11AM
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance #rnm Welcome to another Water Woes video...
Raw Sewage flowing into the Umzimkulu from Pump Station 6 on 11 June 2024 at 11 AM.
This particular pump station recurring nightmare has been playing out for decades now. So many UGU and/or RNM people and nobody can fix or explain the problem. And why it keeps coming back after it gets worked on.
This video is being logged as evidence for the future and is being referred to the Auditor General as they do their job of sniffing this kind of thing out. The Auditor General was here recently, and he now knows everything.
However, please keep up the video submissions as they are really helping the Auditor General to understand the extent of the problem. From the sewage running into the Umzimkulu. To the poor people carrying water home with them in the taxi every day. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I_014wR1do
Part 2 chasing sewage from Harding to Port Shepstone
Mr Bertie Strydom took the time and effort to shoot some more pertinent video concerning the Harding sewage fiasco. This time he takes us down to the Farmers Dam, just west and down the valley from Harding. Here we are shown the sewage as it flows and flows all days and every day, into this holding dam.
Which is now useless except as a threat to the people down river from Harding. Including...
Port Shepstone
Yip, Port Shepstones drinking water comes from the self same river as it joins the Umzimkulu. Barely a few hundred metres from the confluence, we abstract water for drinking. And just after that is the site of a proposed new dam by UGU. That will permanently interfere with the flood and tide pulses. Rendering the river as useless as all KZN's other dam impeded rivers.
The Umzimkulu River is the last free-flowing river left in KZN. And therefore it performs the biological functions of all the 100 or so rivers that we have destroyed with agriculture for profit. Instead of growing our own food, we all get in a car, burn gas and go shopping!?
Port Shepstone has a dire water security problem as profit-driven entities propose all sorts of incorrect and irrelevant solutions to the Eskom and load-shedding problem, the leaks everywhere, and the sewage in the river. Port Shepstone just needs an effective government munipality staffed with honest and hard-working people. Who appreciate their job salaries and subsidies. And who take pride in their work.
Trump was right when he said Africa was a toilet. 100% in fact.
More at https://thesardine.co.za
#shorts #ethekweni #durban #sewage #pollution
All in a Days Work or Toyi-Toying with eThekweni Waste Management.
I really just don't know what to say. Rare for me...
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...in this 14 August 2023 clip we see two things...
1. the artificial opening of the Umzimkulu River mouth
2. sewage flowing unabated into the ocean right at the same place
We can therefore deduce that...
The sewage-laden water enters the ocean and is equitably distributed to all the beaches north and south. Using the current and counter currents to do so with ease.
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#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...
In this record of what is going on with the UGU Municipality and it's performance of duties, we visit the biggest dump imaginable. Right under the town. On the totally wasted Transnet land that should be a resort development. Instead of a dump.
Thank you to Billie and Roosta for the classic piece of citizen journalism.
Which we can all do!
9 am 19 September 2022. Port Shepstone, KZN Natal, South Africa - failed state. Sewage pouring down the streets. Into the ocean.
First off it ain't the Pick n Pay. Or Kentucky. Responsible for the shit flowing in this clip. No. It is UGU and Eskom.
The failed state of the country and it's municipalities manifest in situations like this. Crime in broad daylight. And nobody on site. Ok sure its 9 am on a Monday and tea-time for government staff right? Because they ain't coming to fix nothing.
This shit will flow and flow until the loadshedding stops. And why do we have load shedding?
Because of the unions that now run our municipalities including eThekweni Waste Management - who are still revolting at the moment (see next short video that we upload). Protesting. Toyi-toying. About wage increases and overtime. These are the reasons we have no water, sewage, and load-shedding. Unionised municipalities and the divisions within the municipalities absolute corruption and ineffectiveness.
It is lazy, corrupt, ANC appointed people who have no idea as how to run a country. Cronyism. Nepotism. This does not work.
And put one third of the country on government grants (to keep 'em voting) and what is going to happen here?
Well it's happened already.
Shit everywhere.
Thank you the nice "woes" lady who sent this clip in to us.
More at https://independenceca.org
And at https://thesardine.co.za
Why do coastal towns have far cleaner water than big cities: It’s a Catch22 for residents and businesses down here on the KZN south coast. We need the annual tourist influx to keep this whole show going. Without this revenue stream (stolen by Covid pundits), it’s been really difficult.
But, the same as every other ANC-run municipality in this country, ours have failed us miserably. And raw sewage pumps into the ocean with every single load-shedding session. When the power goes, the pumps turn off, and the sewage still flowing, bursts out of the system. And into the ocean.
However, as Professor Anthony Turton explains in this video, is that coastal cities have no centralised sewage plants the scale of anything near a big city like Durban. And most of us down here on the slow coast, have septic tanks which we manage ourselves. No government required and therefore no failures.
So the amount of sewage available down south is a tiny percentage of that which Durban dumps daily.
That is not to say that all beaches here are safe. Some of our most beautiful secrets, like Ski-Boat Bay in Ramsgate, have a sewage problem right now. Uvongo estuary is also a hotbed for sewage. Many people getting sick on holiday.
This is the reason for the existence of the Water Woes Chanel. To log the problems and complaints. And to follow up on results. It is being run in conjunction with our local UGU Class Action Group who are using these logs for evidence too.
Please look out for Tony’s next video – a real cool interview of Tony by Ilze van der Merwe and the Green Net.
#shorts #ugu #pumula #hibberdene #southport
Alleged Sabotage of Hibberdene water supply in Pumula 17 September 2022 HD
The sources of these clips understandably wish to stay anonymous for now.
#ugu #rnm #ugucommunityalliance
Welcome to another Water Woes video...
In this episode of Water Woes UGU, Professor Anthony Turton clarifies the law and how it pertains to UGU and the recent questionable activity and proposed activity, on the Umzimkulu River.
The Green Net took Professor Turton to the scene of the time when one of the controversial and mightily expensive berms were being built. Millions of taxpayer Rands spent by UGU on completely ineffective and highly destructive temporary berms.
Section 21 of the National Water Act explicitly defines that any unlicensed alteration of the bed, bank or flow of a river in South Africa, is a criminal act.
And now, UGU is planning to spend more millions and in fact billions of Rands, on this folly. To prevent salt ingression. Which never happens. And any salt levels recorded at St. Helens Pump Station were most likely from urine and faeces, delivered directly from upriver Harding anyway.
The sewage system, under the direct control of UGU, in Harding, has collapsed. The sewage works are inoperable. As are the pump stations that move the sewage. And so all the sewage ends up in the farmer's dam. Rendering it unusable whilst, in town, even the hospital goes without water for weeks.
We will keep recording the activities of UGU, right here, for use as evidence in the future. Please submit your Water Woes videos with commentary to us on uguaction@independenceca.org. So that it also may be logged for future use.
#shorts #ugu #sewage
Sewage spill direct into stormwater Ramsgate KZN 11 Sept 2022
The abuse of the stormwater drainage system by piping raw sewage into it is a major component of the system's failure.
This particular crime is carried out willy-nilly by private homes. Businesses. And in this case, municipalities. Who are inundated with labour issues on top of the load shedding presented by Eskom. Who also has about issues and union actions to thank for their pitiful performance.
Eskom failing all the time is a major component once again. When there was no power in the old days, backup generators were switched on. These generators are all but missing. All of them.
So now when load shedding kicks in, the pumps stop and overflow into the nearest river. Via stormwater as in this case, or across open ground.
More at htps:/thesardine.co.za