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22 May 2021 21:53:38 UTC
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MoRtiS NoCTu - The One Solution (RON PAUL 2012) (Ron Paul 2008) [REVOLUTIONARY RAP MUSIC VIDEO]
MoRtiS NoCTu - The One Solution (Lyrics)

Beat from "Ma$e - 24 Hours To Live"

Lyrics and Mix by MoRtiS NoCTu :

I'd vote for RON PAUL
To end our reign of violence.
Politicians usin' disguises,
abusin' our rights and
sendin' our sons and daughters off to die
in the land of sand
at the man's demand.
In a war that WE started,
with a pre-emptive strike.
Bombs and blood,
guns and butter.
Usin' war as cover,
off our DEBT with INTEREST.
That's the game that the central bankers play,
but we takin' in back!
Piece by piece,
And we won't give these crooks no breaks.
We gotta STOP the IRS from LYING.
Either show us the law that allows you
to tax our labor and wages at all
or just keep hiding behind these lies.
Biding my time until We The People all RISE
in the masses and establish
once and for all
the 16th Amendment granted no new taxing powers at all,. and even if it had, and they tried,
it was was never even properly ratified!
And thats just the tip or their agenda.
Debasing the value of the dollar's led to foreign dependence.
Borrowing money from China by the billions,
even since our national debt hit $9Trillion.
And that's just not an intelligent policy.
Now what we want when we NEED prosperity.
But listen close 'cuz I got the remedy,
"Dr. No" 's got what you want to know.
He's got the knowledge that we'll use to grow,
mightier than the government we're fighting against.
Hit 'em so hard they'll never try it again.
The revolution's now and we'll stay fightiin' to win!

Dr. Paul:
"We we're(Republicans), we we're elected in the year 2000 to have a humble foreign policy and not police the world, yet what are we dong now? We're bogged down in another war. . . We're bankrupting our country. . ."

MoRtis NoCTu:
I'd vote for Ron Paul to bring an END
to the Institution that's anti-Constitution.
The One Solution is to
leave Iraq,
to bring our troops back,
secure our borders,
end all world orders.
Man, it just takes some time . . .
We need to rewind to the days when we broke out of the old ways . . .

I'd vote Ron Paul
for the hope of the nation.
Feels like so long we've all been patiently waitin'
for an honest politician to rise our of the darkness
glowing with light,
ready to fight,
to show us our rights,
to stand up against the Feds,
to cock back the Revolution,
aim for their Heads.
'Cuz this is America:
Home of the Brave.
It's time to send the Federal Reserve to its grave.
and bring back sound money,
with no inflation,
backed by silver,
backed by gold.
Not just backed by green like we're used to.
We're green-backed.
Soon we'll all need stacks
just to get gassed up when we ride,
holla, just follow the vibe.
Open your eyes and,
LOOK, at the opportunity that's on the horizon,
Government downsizing,
No more IRS or INCOME TAX.
It's time to face the facts,
the economy's about to collapse,
thanks to the devil's child
that spawned from Jekyll Island.
Leaving their last names behind,
entering one at a time,
a secret conference,
Only the top bankers,
Rivals of the era brought all together with a common plan,
to con the common man,
to take control, of our country's money as a whole,
and use inflation to enslave a whole nation.
Devaluation spread out over 3 generations.
Devaluation spread out over 3 generations.
Devaluation spread out over 3 generations.

Dr. Paul:
"The , ahh, Federal Reserve is the creature that destroys value. You have a secret bank creating money and credit out of thin air."

MoRtiS NoCTu:
We gotta abolish the Fed to debt release,
use precous metals as money 'cuz their values increase,
bring our soldiers and dollars back from overseas,
so we can all live in prosperity with freedom and peace.

I'd vote for Ron Paul to bring an END
to the Institution that's anti-Constitution.
The One Solution is to
leave Iraq,
to bring our troops back,
secure our borders,
end all world orders.
Man, it just takes some time . . .
We need to rewind to the days when we broke out of the old ways . . .

I'd vote RON PAUL!

I'd vote for Ron Paul to bring an END
to the Institution that's anti-Constitution.
The One Solution is to
leave Iraq,
to bring our troops back,
secure our borders,
end all world orders.
Man, it just takes some time . . .
We need to rewind to the days when we broke out of the old ways . . .
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