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LBRY Claims • TRAILER-Tentare-Tentaculum


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Created On
13 Jun 2020 15:35:37 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Tentare Tentaculum (2018) Trailer
Watery, abstract beginnings guide us to the dark and squelchy dwelling place of a man who is caught inside an octopus’ tentacle. Deciding to make an escape, a strange odyssey ensues through dream-like surroundings and encounters, leading to the emergence of something ominous.

Tentare means to attempt or to try and Tentaculum is simply a tentacle, a tactile organ of many animals. The Octopus is the only animal that has portions of its brain located in its tentacles. Every arm ‘thinks’ as well as ‘senses’ the surrounding world with autonomy, able to carry out activities on its own.
The tentacle, also a symbol of an insidious spread of influence or control, adds a worrying impression in Tentare Tentaculum that something bad might soon happen.

Shot on the Isle of Skye, the film explores an absurd but assured account of the discovery of this monstrous, autonomous tentacle by a late night television newsreader come explorer. Submerging ourselves into the depths, with translucent creatures passing by and re-emerging on blustery barren landscapes, we join the protagonist on his esoteric journey.
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