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The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington
Author: Leonora Carrington
File Type: epub
Surrealist writer and painter Leonora Carrington was a master of the macabre, of gorgeous tableaus, biting satire, roguish comedy, and brilliant, effortless flights of the imagination. Nowhere are these qualities more ingeniously brought together than in the works of short fiction she wrote throughout her life. Published to coincide with the centennial of her birth, The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington collects for the first time all of her stories, including several never before seen in print. With a startling range of styles, subjects, and even languages (several of the stories are translated from French or Spanish), The Complete Stories captures the genius and irrepressible spirit of an amazing artists life. Her delirious fantasy reveals to us a little of the secret magic of her paintings.Luis Bunuel Her stories are vivid, funny and surprisingly fresh . . . [combining] satire with surrealist situations to deftly mock the pomposity of organized religion, sexual repression or the endless forms of bureaucratic hypocrisy and ineptitude.New York Times **Review In both her prose and her visual art, Carrington dissolves the borders between human and inhuman, fantasy and reality, death and life. In The Complete Stories we meet a mad queen who uses squirming live sponges to wash herself a corpse that casts a circle of light in the forest and a horse-woman who lives among plants and animals because humans wont accept her hybrid state. Whenever Carringtons heroines are forced to pledge allegiance, they always choose the company of beasts.Joy Press, Los Angeles Times, Leonora Carrington, the surrealist storytelling genius youve never heard of This definitive collection of Carringtons short fiction is a treasure and a gift to the world. A stunning achievement.Jeff VanderMeer Leonora Carrington has unswervingly followed the intensity of her own particular vision and way of being...Her work bristles with a fierce, unconventional brand of feminism anger gives it its final edge of irony and power.Angela Carter Her delirious fantasy reveals to us a little of the secret magic of her paintings.Luis Bunuel The writing is as neat, dry and witty as the content is wild, woolly and portentous.TLS Kathryn Daviss wonderful introduction to this complete collection (published in conjunction with the centennial of Carringtons birth) is a satisfying piece on its own, delightedly preparing the reader for a writer bestowed with a satisfying mix of the most wicked yet tender of visions.Entropy Carringtons stories are optimistic and nihilistic, beautiful and grotesque, tender and cruel. She never contented herself with something simple or trite, a philosophy of life that can be shortened and simplified and put in a fortune cookie.Sheila Heti Her protagonists speak to gods, monsters, parents, and strangers in the same fearlessly ironic voice. Irrational or horrible things happen to people in these stories just as they do in fairy tales, dreams, the Bible, and real life. Intending to destroy dualistic viewpoints, Carrington offers no glib moral judgments.The Village Voice Her stories are vivid, funny and surprisingly fresh...[combining] satire with surrealist situations to deftly mock the pomposity of organized religion, sexual repression or the endless forms of bureaucratic hypocrisy and ineptitude.The New York Times Complete Stories, a collection of Carringtons published and unpublished short storiesmany newly translated from their original French and Spanishis a terrific introduction to her bizarre, dreamlike worlds.NPR About the Author Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) was a key figure in the Surrealist movement and an artist of remarkable individuality. She was born to a wealthy English family in 1917, expelled from two convents as a girl, and presented to the kings court in 1933. Four years later, she ran off with Max Ernst and became a darling of the art world in Paris serving guests hair omelets at one party, arriving naked to another. After Ernst was taken from their home to a Nazi internment camp in 1940, Carrington fled France. Nearly mad with grief and terror, she was thrown into a lunatic asylum in Spain, and, after escaping, married a Mexican diplomat, fleeing Europe for New York City then Mexico City, where she lived for the rest of her life. Throughout her long career, Carrington published novels, stories, and plays, in addition to making paintings, sculptures, and tapestries.
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