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LBRY Claims • NZ-Convoy-2022-monday-21st-feb-Police-arrive-early-hours-Monday-morning-to-place-concrete-blocks-footage-by-Zeb-Jackson


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Created On
21 Feb 2022 03:11:07 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
NZ Convoy 2022: Monday 21st February - Police arrive early hours Monday morning to place concrete blocks - footage by Zeb Jackson
Police brought in concrete blocks around 4am. The crowd were not advised and they just started doing it early hours of the morning which created some fears and some confusion. However, there is upset on the ground that some people there DID KNOW it was going to happen and DID NOT get word out at an appropriate time. Where-as had they announced this earlier, it could have avoided any upset and confusion and arrests.

Announcement from the Police AFTER they did this, on their facebook page
They have also confirmed that there were 8 people arrested:

Police have this morning installed hard concrete barriers at key roads around the perimeter of Parliament, containing protest activity in Wellington’s CBD.
At around 3:30am staff began installing the barriers at eight locations around Parliament.
The operation, involving approximately 300 staff and large-scale equipment to install the barriers, will enable Police to prevent further growth in vehicles within the area of the protest, and to maintain access for residents, businesses and emergency vehicles.
A handful of protesters were arrested while the operation was underway. However, Police were able to install the barriers with minimal disruption.
Several road closures and detours are in place for vehicle traffic in the vicinity of Parliament. We ask that commuters allow extra travel time to allow for any traffic delays.
Pedestrians will still be able to move in and out of the area. Police officers will be stationed at each road block to facilitate legitimate vehicle access.
Protestors’ vehicles will be allowed to leave the area but will not be able to go back in once they have left.
We will continue to maintain a highly visible, reassurance presence on site, and staff are engaging with the public and protestors to provide advice and, where necessary, take enforcement action.
Anyone abusing or intimidating members of the public can expect to be arrested, removed and face charges.
Police will continue to work with key protest leaders to resolve any issues.
The locations of the barriers are:
? Hill Street
? Rear end of Parliament on Ballantrae Place
? Molesworth Street near Pipitea Street
? Murphy Street and Aitken Street
? Kate Sheppard Place
? Bunny Street near the railway station
? Corner of Whitmore St and Lambton Quay at the bottom of Bowen Street
? Lambton Quay and Mulgrave Street

Police can now confirm that eight people were arrested during this morning’s operation at locations around the perimeter of Parliament.
Seven people were arrested for disorderly behaviour and one for obstruction.
Two of those arrested have refused to provide their details to police and remain in custody.
300 police staff were involved in this morning’s operation, which started at 3.30am and concluded by 6.30am.
The focus of police staff was ensuring the safety and security of the heavy truck and forklift operators who were placing concrete barriers at eight locations on the outer perimeter of protest activity.
The first barrier was installed at Ballantrae Place, at the rear entrance of the Parliamentary precinct.
From there, staff moved swiftly to Hill Street near Guildford Terrace; and Molesworth Street near Pipitea Street.
Barriers were then installed at two points on Mulgrave Street, at the intersections with Aitken Street and Kate Shepherd Place.
From there staff moved on to Bunny Street, near the Victoria University campus, and Lambton Quay near Whitmore Street.
The final barriers were placed at the intersection of Mulgrave Street and Lambton Quay.
A large number of vocal protesters were present throughout the operation.
Seven officers sustained injuries during the operation, ranging from scratches to an ankle injury.
Some officers also had human waste thrown over them by protestors.
Deliberately infecting someone with disease is a serious offence punishable by 14 years imprisonment. Likewise attempting to do so attracts a significant penalty.
Police will be investigating and will hold to account those identified as responsible for these actions.
We invite anyone with information about who is responsible to come forward.
Local residents and pedestrians will be able to move freely through the roadblocks.
Protest vehicles will not be permitted through the barriers but are able to leave, and Police can confirm that several vehicles did leave the protest area following this morning’s operation.
Police will continue to have a highly visible presence in and around the protest area, particularly at the start and finish of each school/work day.
Anyone abusing or intimidating members of the public can expect to be arrested, removed and face charges
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