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18 Nov 2022 14:07:07 UTC
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Weekly SEO Q&A - Hump Day Hangouts - Episode 104 (2 Yr Anniversary)
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0:00 Announcements

8:00 104!!! You guys are beasts love it, keep up the great work!

I took Hernans advice and after the Hangout and got a free trial of Audible so I could listen to Grant Cardone narate his book and it was well worth it! But I read a book not too long ago and would love you to briefly talk about it if you've read it because I felt it was a huge book for my mindset.

The book is Psycho-cybernetics, it talks about Self Image Optimization, how you see yourself and how to change it. So I guess my question is; does successful SIO lead to successful SEO?

16:00 2 years- congrats guys! Recently I attended a one and a half hour long webinar by a highly known social media expert. Truth is, Bradley, Marco and Hernan often share more helpful, actionable information in a 5 minute Humpday answer than was learned from that entire webinar. You guys are great.

I use a unique tag for each post and then use Yoast SEO canonical for each tag page back to the post. This worked with prior theme but is not working with a new theme from same company on a new site. I am not sure if it is a problem with the theme or Yoast.

19:00 When building a html website site today in notepad+ the google maps api section displayed as expected on desktop yet when i launched/uploaded the site on the server I got an error.

I had to sign into google and generate a key when in the past i didnt have to.

21:00 What has been your most rewarding experience during two years of humpday hangouts? What has been the most surprising thing from the past 2 years regarding anything online marketing related?

26:00 With the IFTTT Networks, how do you increase the Metrics (CF TF PA)?

31:00 I have always used the www version of websites. The http and non-w versions direct to the www at the hosting service. Now, for my new site (which is an affiliate site – no secure ecommerce or customer info needed) I chose https and the SSL certificate to be activated but still used the www.

33:00 Happy 104th! You guys have really put it out there, no fear! all the guts and we share in the glory! Cant say enough how much we appreciate you all!

34:00 Congratulations guys! My G+ profiles and pages keep automatically switching to the new G+. Is there a way to tell it to stay on Classic?

35:00 Thanks for 2 years of teaching us how to do that more effectively. You guys rock! My only question would be what is the craziest thing someone has ever asked on Humpday?

39:00 Maps Kingpin / Local KingPin question:

In the training you are suggesting adding GEO settings to Images with the same geo location as the GMB. But when I want to add extra relevancy to a City close to my business?

42:00 Q about silos and not using a Services page for the top of the silo. I just went through this on a site last week. I left Services in the nav menu but I changed the page title and slug to the KW. Is that ok or will it be confusing to the bots?

44:00 Serpspace question: How often and useful can the same G Map be pushed in the Serpspace Map Powerhouse program? Or is it a one and done deal?

46:00 I added extra social properties to one IFTTT network for a brand - LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, SoundCloud and a few others. Is that ok? I hope you all at SM have a great 104th party.

47:00 I only recently found you guys. Two years of helping people while building your customer base. Very well done. Congratulations.

47:30 Did anyone hear about the big upgrade at ifttt? Recipes are now called Applets..

49:00 Finally moving into some video marketing on a pay per call basis with client. Multiple video titles showing up on multiple keywords in most towns. Is it a good idea to flood page 1 with multiple similar videos?

How many towns can I expect to get away with on same proxy/gmail account before getting slapped by YouTube?

Should I do multiple keywords for same larger town on one G+ account or should I focus any given youtube account to more towns / different keyword titles.?

53:00 What current best low investment option for mass publishing on you tube: ie 5-7 different videos across 100 or so towns?

53:30 Yesterday I uploaded a video to YouTube and used all the techniques learned within Semantic Mastery training and it ranked page 1 on Google and position 1 on YouTube instantly. I then removed the city modifier and my eyes grew a bit bigger when it was still their since this is a high value phrase with buyer intent. I was checking some rankings and identified another good phrase so I went back to my video and added that phrase to the description. Boom. To all those watching, just follow the training and take action.
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