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8 Jun 2023 21:02:13 UTC
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LGBT Activist Attack in LA + Keep Catholic Politicians Accountable + Virtues with Sheen
Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, June 8th - 2023 – Feast of Corpus Christi

After the Last Supper, some may question if Jesus would abandon humanity on Earth. His sacrifice, special relationship with those He saved, and desire to be present among us suggest otherwise.

Jesus, aware of His Resurrection and Ascension, would not forsake mankind. He wanted to remain with us until the end of the world. His love and compassion would not allow Him to separate Himself from humanity forever.

Thus, Jesus established a profound communion with us through the Holy Eucharist. He is present at all times and in all places, whether in grand cathedrals or humble chapels. He chose to multiply His presence on Earth in this remarkable way.

Encountering a Catholic, one can consider that Jesus might have been present in their soul yesterday or could be present tomorrow. In that moment, the person becomes a living Tabernacle, able to receive the Sacred Species.

We witness Jesus' mercy when He instituted the Holy Eucharist. He waits in abandoned Tabernacles, humbly offering Himself to all who approach. His presence is awe-inspiring, given His status as the King of Heaven and Earth.

We often fail to grasp the depth of recognition, adoration, and gratitude we should have for what Jesus accomplished at the Last Supper.

We must thank God, through Our Lady, for the institution of the Holy Eucharist. As every gift from Heaven to mankind is requested by her, she also asked Jesus to institute the Sacrament. We should be grateful to Him for condescending to establish the Holy Eucharist and to her for interceding on our behalf.

We must recognize the infinite value of the Mass, closely connected to the Holy Eucharist. The essence of the Mass lies in the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross. Through the priest's sacramental words, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This act is both the immolation of the Victim and the definitive act of the Real Presence, remaining in the Sacred Species within Tabernacles worldwide.

We must ponder the immeasurable value of the renewed Sacrifice of the Cross in the Mass. The reverence for this Sacrifice is so great that even the need for divine vengeance and the end of the world would wait until the Last Day.

In summary, Jesus' establishment of the Holy Eucharist demonstrates His desire to be present with us always. The Mass and the Real Presence reveal His infinite love and mercy, reminding us of the immeasurable value of His sacrifice on the Cross. Let us gratefully embrace the gift of the Holy Eucharist and approach it with reverence and adoration.

Corpus Christi, Have Mercy on us.

INTRO – Happy Thursday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, LGBT Activist attack God fearing Americans

Also – at 30 past the hour, John Yepp with Catholics for Catholics is on with us to discuss keeping Catholic politicians accountable

Plus – in the next hour, Allan Smith with Bishop Sheen Today will be on to discuss the virtues. I said he was going to be on tomorrow, I mistakenly tho

MY LOVING Jesus! out of the grateful love I bear Thee, and as a reparation for all my unfaithfulness, I give Thee my heart and I consecrate myself wholly to Thee, and with Thy aid, I purpose never to sin again.

V/. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us,

R/. Inflame our hearts with love of Thee.

Let us pray.

LORD, we beseech Thee, let

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The Gospel of the Day – Jn 16,29-33

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