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1 Apr 2024 05:03:45 UTC
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MHMD [12] When you take away just ONE DOT, you take away JESUS the Messiah!
We have been looking for ways to interpret the 7th century word MHMD in Arabic, which Muslims believe was their prophet 'Muhammad'; yet, we are finding it had many more meanings than that, especially when we look historically where this word came from and what it meant in the 7th century, when supposedly the Qur'an was being created, and when supposedly Islam's prophet was living.

It is being proven by A.J. Deus, and now by Mel (from the 'Islamic Origins' YouTube site), that Islam was created as a Messianic religion, in-other-words, that it was created in anticipation of the Messiah's return to "liberate his people", which in the 7th century would have been the Jews and the Christians.

Much of the Jewish and Christian literature from that period, and in what is today Syria, Jordan and Iraq, centered around this notion that both the Jews and the Christians were anticipating the Messiah coming (for the Jews), and His return (for the Christians), and therefore, in Arabic the word MHMD was used to refer to that Messianic figure, the word itself translated to mean "Beloved", or "Lovely", or "The praised one".

A.J. Deuss and Mel now introduce another word which has the same meaning as MHMD, but is used in the Qur'an in Surah 9:30, but because of a careless scribe (either intentionally or un-intentially) it was changed to mean the prophet Ezra from the Old Testament.

Today Surah 9:30 says this: "And the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of Allah...Allah's curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth."

Deception #1: No Jew believes that Ezra was "the son of God", so this reference makes no sense theologically. Thus, Ezra is not the correct word for this verse. Someone must have changed it to Ezra, from another previous word.

Deception #2: It looks like either a scribe at some time when the diacritical marks were being introduced (sometime in the 8th - 9th centuries), or at a later date, decided not to include a dot over the last letter in this word, and thus changed it from an 'z' letter to an 'r' letter.

So, initially this word would have been "Aziz" (with a 'z' at the end), but by removing the dot above the 'z', it then became an 'r', and thus the term Aziz, which has the same meaning as MHMD ("Beloved", or "Lovely", or "The praised one"), was changed to the name "Ezra", the prophet from the Old Testament.

This not only makes this verse unworkable theologically, it also doesn't make any sense in the sequence of the sentence. But if you change it back to its original meaning 'Aziz', the verse now says that both the Jews and the Christians believe that the Messiah is the son of God, which both Jews and Christians believe. Thus, it is an anti-Trinitarian polemic against the Christians, as well as a polemic against the Jewish Messiah, who has yet to come.

Odon Lafontaine, our colleague in France, has come up with even more support to prove that the original word in Surah 9:30 was Aziz and not Uzair. When looking at the Wetzstein II Qur'anic manuscript, which is dated to the late 8th century, at the time when diacritical marks were first being introduced, the word in Surah 9:30 is indeed Aziz, and not Uzair, suggesting that Aziz was the original word.

So, by taking off just ONE DOT above ONE LETTER the 8th century Muslims have changed the meaning for Surah 9:30, from referring to "the Praised one' (Aziz) who was the promised Messiah for the Jews, and he becomes nothing more than the Old Testament prophet Ezra. This is not only theologically confusing, but hides what the Muslim's real intent was at that time. They wanted their own prophet, one who was uniquely Arab, and who would supersede both the Jew's and the Christian's Messiah to be recognized as the final prophet, little knowing that the word Aziz which they changed meant the same as the name of their prophet MHMD.

See how much damage ONE DOT can do!

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics & Polemics - US, April 1, 2024
(104,400) Music: 'Country Girl' by aleksound, from filmmusic-io
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