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2 Apr 2024 01:39:45 UTC
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Hanoch 90 To All His Decendents
SHALOM welcome to the adventures of yhwhy I'm Mr Vance of YHWHY and well apparently the topic of my uh studies for this Shabbat morning at the Confluence of the uh the waters uh I have been going through the famous words of fathers unto their sons and we've just finished up the book of siroc which was written by Ben Ciroc Yasha or the son of sirach and the wisdom thereof this is a common theme of fathers speaking instructions most of the the initially the Proverbs are written in this double-edged sword uh to the wise son dot dot dot and to the wicked foolish dot dot dot it's The Mizmor the The Parables that the ruach speaks so I want you to think about that along with the other recordings and all of the instructions that you've had from the scriptures and this comes from the words of hanak or Enoch and it will tell you to who it is addressed and to his sons and we are from the sons of shemhem and jephthithru Noah and through the making through Methuselah Etc so we're going to start and this is something that I really despise because I think you shoul..
of the book of Hanukkah and now my son Methuselah call to me all your brethren and assemble for me all the children of your mother for a voice calls me and the ruach is poured out upon me that I may show you everything which shall happen to you forever

then Methuselah went called to him o his Brethren and assembled his Kindred and conversing with all his children in truth said Shema hear my children every word of your father and listen in uprightness to the voice of my mouth for I would gain your attention while I address you my beloved be attached to integrity and walk in it approach not Integrity with a double heart nor be associated with the double-minded men but walk my children in the darkness in righteousness which will conduct you in good paths and let truth be your companion for I know that oppression will exist and Prevail on Earth that on Earth great punishment shall in the end take place and that there shall be a consummation of all iniquity which shall be cut off from its root and every fabric shall pass away iniquity however shall again be renewed and consummated the Earth on Earth Every Act of crime and every Act of Oppression and impiety shall be a second time embraced when therefore iniquity sin blasphemy tyranny and every work shall increase and transgression impiety and uncleanness also shall increase upon Them All Shall great punishment be inflicted from the shamain the heaven the code dash yahuwah shall go forth in Wrath and upon them shall fear great punishment from Heaven be inflicted the kodesh yahuwah shall go forth in Wrath and with punishment that he may execute judgment upon Earth in those days oppression shall be cut off from its roots and iniquity with fraud shall be eradicated

perishing perishing from under Heaven all the idols of the Nations shall be surrendered with its inhabitants with fire shall it be burnt they shall be brought from every part of the earth and be cast into a judgment of Fire they Shall Perish in Wrath and by a judgment overpowering them forever the darkness shall be raised up from Slumber and hot ma wisdom shall be raised up and conferred upon them then shall the roots of the iniquity be cut off Sinners perish By The Sword and blasphemers be annihilated everywhere those who meditate oppression and those who blaspheme By The Sword Shall Perish and now my children I will describe and point out to you the path of the darkness and the path of Oppression I will again Point them out to you that you may now what is to cut know what is to come Shema here now my children and walk in the path of the darkness but shun the op that of Oppression for all who walk in the path of iniquity Shall Perish forever chapter 91 that which is written by hanak he wrote all this instructions of wisdom for every man of dignity and every judge of the Earth for all my children who shall dwell upon the Earth and for subsequent Generations conducting themselves uprightly and peaceably let not your ruach .prescribed a period to all let the doc man arise from Slumber let him arise and proceed in the path of righteousness the zadak yashar in all its paths and let him advance in goodness and eternal clemency Mercy has said shall be shown to the righteous the dot man upon Him shall be conferred integrity and power forever in goodness and in the darkness shall he exist and shall walk in Everlasting Light but sin Shall Perish in Eternal Darkness nor be seen .
the caves of qumran who who were not from the obscenes but that was the kodesh library that the last librarian was the voice crying out from the wilderness yes johanan the immerser from the caves of qumran and the Book of Hanukkah was one of the books that had more fragments than the others hanukk was our ancestor whether you realize it or not we have a common ancestry and that is in Yeshua Messiah
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