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LBRY Claims • 1_20_2016Workout76_BWMetabolicConditioning


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22 Dec 2022 01:13:30 UTC
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Safe for Work
Workout 76 – Bodyweight Metabolic Conditioning

What’s Inside This Video:
What’s Inside This Video:

Using your bodyweight only, push yourself through this simple workout using clean, crisp form and you’ll reap the benefits: stronger, leaner, more defined chest, back, shoulders and arms … plus a super-charged metabolism for hours afterward.

Dr. Jade’s signature training methods in this workout are:

B’s and H’s: You’ll be emphasizing breathless, burning and heat, revving your metabolism to burn fat for at least 48 hours
Rest-based Training: Aim for bursts of intensity with good form, followed by rest when you hit your limit. Do not pace yourself!
Unlimited Up-Chains: Begin with one rep of each move, then two reps of each move, then three and so on. Keep going until your 10 minutes are up!

Here’s What You’ll Do:

This quick, but intense, 10-minute fat-burning workout consists of just two exercises:

Push up
Pull up or bodyweight bent over rows
Perform these two exercises in an “up-chain” sequence: start with one push up and one pull up / row, then two push ups and two pull ups / rows, three push ups and three pull ups /rows, and so on.

Keep adding reps for 10 minutes, resting when you need to in order to keep your form crisp.

Simple, but effective. You got this!

How to Maximize Your Workout:

Squeeze! Hold a one-second squeeze at the top of the push up and pull up or row. This creates the burn in your muscles that indicate you are actively increasing your metabolism.
Push yourself. You can do anything for 10 minutes! Go hard using clean, crisp form on every movement.
Stay in it mentally, focusing on form and full range of motion all the way through to the end of the workout.
Do not pace yourself! Push hard with good form, rest hard to keep it up.

Workout Description: Push ups. Pull ups or bent over rows.

Equipment Needed: Stopwatch or phone timer set to 10 minutes. Pull up bar (optional).

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