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17 Mar 2023 07:33:28 UTC
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Tarot Reading Piscies Free And Paid Compilation 2023
Trust In me im forgiveness Worked Myself To This Ascension Faced With The 10th And Final SinToOvercomeAvoidCovetousnessNot Just In 3d but In Thought in otherwords lets be gracious and reflect instead on what positive works we have already done and especially rest in celebration for the appreciation of money and effort of the fruits of our labor not wasting that chance before we head off to face satan and his trap literature misintepretation it wasnt hell it was the law itself health and safety that left them to ashes and shards suffering decimation is not isolated to denomination none resists the practice of hellfire embalming their dead is abdomination buy insurance and be in good cheer that you met with me keep the commands and love God for forgiving you when you sin he knows who he keeps safe from the second death and in one breath Im proclaiming you as saved by the knick of your patience in facing the same sins you shared and dared to shame me into repentance another golden brick toward the road to acutal knowledge of salvation not just some mystic or faith in covenants made to other generations which we in our ego think has some play upon our personal fate and fake relationship true christians pray daily not just at church or when it hurts and they have no other place to go but toward their maker if you are without spirit then pray simply to say thanks its a good start for conversation like Im grateful for your trip to get tits slapped on my face by a perfect 10 asian whole time didnt see that your words put me in my place If you were father what would you do or think clearly I had to raise my awareness there wouldnt be anything I could say except Thank You for warning me ahead of my arrest and disgrace it really helped me understand the act itself wasnt as creative as I thought it was entertainment for men instantly eroded for me into accepting it as simple sins masquerading as indulgence.. its an abdomination and theres 10 deadly sins not 7 keep them in their escalation mark them on your fingers for me they are stated and designed to be easier that way to memorize and like seeds they will flower Into maturity not by understanding but my friend merely by keeping them in mind if you dont know the boundries certainly it seems like cheating will be easier and that goes for any ten of your digits but we were told not asked to remember them so keep then in consecutive order from easier to accept to the outright seemingly impossible to repent from their in that order because of justice being on earth inverted its no mystery its plain and simple watered down for childrens who might be listening there are nothing evil on earth that is new in heaven and no entry will be granted to those who dont learn and neeed continually forever to need second chances she cheated me its my infamy she dreamed if not leaving me to have me institutionally kept from my own family its not criminal its fear that was leading them its why Christ warned the peacekeepers and corrupt judges they do not know what they are doing the blind leading the blind into ruin bad influence from doing what they thought was better than boredom or loneliness im laughing now but it was difficult for me to get what it meant until I saw cremation for what it really is factcheck the percentages of polulations year end over last and see for yourself the end is how amazing your epitaph will be with such a large gap of time between now and the day others will smile walking by the HeadStone whole Not in pieces but in one piece I leave you just as I will hold my sword up in front of satan but not provoke my enemy instead i assure him my tongue is justice warning no body moves no body get word no body moved no body gets hurt Evil cannot stand when its not allowed an illusion so in each sin notice the light that is itself twisted into excuses theres more work after ascension so hurry up and get right with the spirit John you can do it work less and enjoy more this year friends family they trust you by your face not by your burying yourself like youre virgo Thats the excuse used by the Devil: I was running to and fro in the earth!s uncertain as to exactly what wrong I was caught in.. how about working closely with parents to encourage to protect theirselves against the premature world of Adultery which for the sin of sarcasm has been extended to teens 18 and 19 specifically cant drink but can swallow something far more deadly which is right or wrong please
explain when the pronunciation says teen but the lawmaker
says thats old enough to stuff her face full of disgrace?
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