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The Cube of Space: Container of Creation
Author: Kevin Townley
File Type: pdf
Since the discovery of a written copy of the Sepher Yetzirah in the first century A. D. there have been many books written of the Tree of Life, yet none on the Cube of Space. For the first time a major work has come forth that takes the reader from an introduction of The Cube of Space to a detailed explanation of its parts and relationship to the Tree of Life. The author demonstrates how the Cube of Space is generated through sacred geometry, the Sphere of Binah and the Magic Square of Saturn. Some of the information in this book may create waves in the traditional teachings of the Tree of Life. Undoubtedly, The Cube of Space is an original and bold new work concerning the most neglected areas of study in the Qabalah, and perhaps the most important. ReviewKevin Townleys Cube of Space is, as its cover says, a first for this area of study. Townleys book is a major leap forward in an almost forgotten area of Qabalistic thought and practice. Townley goes on to show in step-by-step detail how the flow of divine energies in creation takes us the psychic structure of our own material world...(he) goes on to explain in clear and easy-to-understand language, the theory behind the formation of magical squares...sigils representing...actual flows of energy. For the reader who wants a new look at...a model of creation or a better understanding of Qabalistic, astrological, alchemical, and Tarot correspondences there are few books as thorough as Townleys. The section on magical squares and their permutations alone is valuable reading...Whether this book is destined to become a classic, only time will tell. But you will not be disappointed in it, and you will most likely read it several times as a guide to more advanced Qabalistic work. -- Gnosis MagazineWinter 1996, by Mark StavishIn the study of the Qabalah there is no more important glyph than the Cube of Space with perhaps the exception of the Tree of Life. -- Dr. Paul Foster CaseThis book is without a doubt the most original and useful recent contribution to occult and Tarot studies. It is a brilliant synthesis of ideas which demonstrate for the first time the extent to which the Cube of Space is a coherent repository of interlocking symbolic ideas. It is a work of which every student of Western Qabalah and of Tarot should read. -- Robert Wang, Author of Qabalistic TarotAbout the AuthorKevin Townley was born in Middletown, N.Y. in 1952 and left home at the age of 15 to enter the Carmelite Seminary. After several years of struggling over the dogma within the Orthodox Catholic Church, he began a lifelong study in Western Hermeticism. Early on in his studies, he became drawn to the writings of Dr. Paul Foster Case. He was a member of the B.O.T.A for over15 years. He is one of the founders of LPN-USA, an esoteric organization dedicated to the study and practice of Qabalah and Laboratory Alchemy. His studies have led him around the world seeking original Rosicrucian and alchemical texts, as well as those individuals who practice this Royal Art. He is a national speaker and Certified by the American Tarot Association as a Grand Tarot Master. He gives lectures and workshops in the following areas of esoterics, Alchemy, Western Hermetic Tradition, Masonary, Tarot, Qabalah, the Tree of Life and the Seven Rays, The Cube of Space. He is also a certified Dance Leader for the Dances for Universal Peace and more. Mr. Townley resides in Boulder, Colorado with his family, where he continues his studies in the Western Mysteries.
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