◎中華民國四十二年九月十八日,星期五(18th September, 1953, Friday),香港(Hong Kong)『幸運唱片公司(Lucky Records Co.)』出品第二期(second production)最新粵曲唱片上市:
(壹)任劍輝、芳艷芬《香銷十二美人樓》(2 gramophone records);
(貳)天涯(劉百樂)、鳳凰女《周瑜歸天》(2 gramophone records);
(叁)梁醒波、羅麗娟《阿福》(2 gramophone records);
(肆)梁無相《小情僧偷祭葬花墳》(a gramophone record);
(伍)梁無相、余麗珍《帝苑春心化杜鵑》(2 gramophone records);
(陸)小非凡(黎文所)、小芳艷芬(李寶瑩)《情僧夜弔白芙蓉》(2 gramophone records);
(柒)新薛覺先《漢武帝重憶衛夫人》(a gramophone record);
(捌)羅劍郎、鄭碧影《薛丁山三叩寒江關》(2 gramophone records);
(玖)何非凡、鄧碧雲《青磬紅魚非淚影》(2 gramophone records);
(拾)音樂譜子《翠樓思婦》、《七彩花》(a gramophone record)。
盧家熾 音樂領導(music band was led by Mr. Loo Kah Chi),歌者、紅伶,音樂一流,撰曲,名家,錄音清晰,價錢公道,片質上乘。
代售處:天壽堂(Tien Sau Tong)、泰林無線電行(Tai Lin Radio Service Limited)、先施公司(The Sincere Company Ltd.)、天樂公司(Tin Lok Company)、永安公司(Wing On Department Store)、大新公司(The Sun)、合發電器行、文興公司、眾樂公司、羅占記琴行、陽光電器行、天聲行、華美行、澳門(Macau)譚明記。
香港(Hong Kong)九龍(Kowloon)大南街(Tai Nan Street)門牌 154 號『永德印務』承印;電話:58649。
◎九龍『普慶大戲院』,票房電話:57276。中華民國四十一年三月十日至十六日,星期一至星期日(10th to 16th March, 1952, Monday to Sunday),『金聲劇團』,十二大臺柱,位位朝氣蓬勃,羅劍郎、鄭碧影、陳斌俠、林蛟、半日安(李鴻安)、林家儀、陳鐵英、英麗梨、梁無相、歐偉泉、小甘羅;「金喉艷旦」梁碧玉客串。各大臺柱由頭演到尾,決不瓜代。首晚(10th March, 1952, Monday)提早開臺,先演《六國封相》;續演李少芸先生新編,堂皇偉大,袍甲歷史名劇《薛丁山夜祭樊梨花》,羅劍郎表演北派;梁無相由頭至尾飾演薛應龍,唱「新馬腔」主題曲《夜祭樊梨花》;鄭碧影唱主題曲。有唱情;有武打,劇情偉大,橋段曲折。
◎新界(New Territories)粉嶺(Fan Ling)『福幼孤兒院』八週年紀念(eighth anniversary),中華民國四十一年十二月十九日至卅一日,星期五��
It is just a virtual animation, not a realistic event!
Since summer, 1960, the American soft drink "Double Cola (得寶可樂)" started be made locally in Hong Kong, it was firstly only sold in Hong Kong Island from July, 1960; three months later, it was also available in Kowloon from October, 1960. The "Double Cola (得寶可樂)" has main features: super king size with much more carbon dioxide, 40 cents for 16 fluid ounces (473 ml) bottle, served 3 cups for 3 guys sharing, all are full of the carbon dioxide.
美國汽水(American soft drink)『得寶可樂(Double Cola)』在中華民國四十九年暑假(summer, 1960)開始在香港(Hong Kong)製造及售賣,當年七月(July, 1960)率先在香港島(Hong Kong Island)發售;十月(October, 1960)才在九龍(Kowloon)公開發售。『得寶可樂(Double Cola)』之特點(main features)乃「大枝夠氣(super king size with much more carbon dioxide)」,一瓶『得寶可樂(Double Cola)』售價港幣四毫(40 cents for a bottle, capacity is 16 fluid ounces (473 ml)),可以倒成三杯給三人飲用(3 cups for 3 guys sharing),飲得三人一肚子氣(carbon dioxide)。
In Hong Kong, a red lorry with the vehicle registration mark as "AB 6626", was used to transfer the "Double Cola (得寶可樂)", it driver was Mr. Tai Chong (戴昌).
『得寶可樂(Double Cola)』以一輛車牌「AB 6626」之紅色大羅哩(red lorry)來送貨,駕駛者(driver)名曰戴昌(Mr. Tai Chong)。
In Hong Kong, the investors were Mr. Lee Hsiao-wo Harold (利孝和), Mr. Lee Wing-tat (利榮達), Mr. Tsui King-po (徐鏡波) and Mr. Stellen (史鐵鄰); the sales manager was Mr. Tong Chun-yip (唐俊業).
香港『得寶可樂(Double Cola)』的投資者(investors)乃利孝和(Mr. Lee Hsiao-wo Harold)、利榮達(Mr. Lee Wing-tat)、徐鏡波(Mr. Tsui King-po)及史鐵鄰(Mr. Stellen),營業經理(sales manager)乃唐俊業(Mr. Tong Chun-yip)。
In bosham channel, our virtual roles Reverend บอสโก (扑西哥神父), Mr. อับราฮัม (啞巴喊), Sister Busuko Berurin (伯林ボス子 (柏林波時子)) and Sister Wei-lin Abra Ham (譚瑋琳) plan to visit mainland China for its "Lychee and Dog Meat Festival in Yuk Lam county (玉林荔枝狗肉節)" on 21st June, 2016, Tuesday.
Yuk Lam county (玉林縣) belongs to Kiangsi province (廣西省), it is closed to Kwangchowan (ZHA), the post French colony, nowadays the Peking communist bandits call this place as "Tsankiang (湛江)".
Let us to review the Bible for eating dog meat, it is section 3 and 4, chapter 9 from the "Genesis (創世紀)":
Every living thing that moves will be yours to eat, no less than the foliage of the plants. I give you everything, with this exception: you must not eat flesh with life, that is to say blood, in it.
凡活著的動物(every living thing that moves),都可以作你們的食物(will be yours to eat),這一切我都賜給你們如同菜蔬(the foliage of the plants)一樣。惟獨肉帶著血(flesh with life (blood in it))、那就是牠的生命、你們不可喫。
Thus, from a Catholic point of view, we can feel free to enjoy the delicious dog and cat cuisine, but don't eat cold raw food, such as Japanese sashimi (刺身).
Apart that "Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple (嗇色園(黃大仙祠)) in Lung Cheung Road (龍翔道), Kowloon (九龍), another Taoist temple called "Yuen Ching Kwok (元清閣)" in San Wai Tsuen (新圍村), Castle Peak Road (青山道), it also enshrines "Wong Tai So (黃大仙)" - Mr. Huang Chu Ping (黃初平, 328 to 386), nowadays it is located in lot number 3738 in Ching Cheung Road (呈祥道), it has an area of 2 hectares, divided into lower and upper levels.
On lunar first and fifteenth day and "Wong Tai Sin (黃大仙)" - Mr. Huang Chu Ping (黃初平)'s birthday on lunar 23rd August, "Yuen Ching Kok (元清閣)" prepares vegetarian lunch to entertain worshippers.
In lower level, its main gate with a name plate as "Wong Tai Sin Temple (黃大仙祠)", a "Ling Yan Pond (靈眼池)" beside its left hand side, contains with a lot of variegated carps; a "Ling Sam Pond (靈心池)" beside its righ hand side, just like the pond in Tua Peh Kong Temple (大伯公廟), Kusu Island (龜嶼), Singapore, a stone tortoise is placed in the central pond, a cobra statue is on stone tortoise's shell.
In upper level, it is the main shrine with a name plate as "Yuen Ching Kwok Taoist Temple (元清閣道堂)", "Wong Tai Sin (黃大仙)" - Mr. Huang Chu Ping (黃初平, 328 to 386)is enshrined in the central niche; left niche is uese to enshrine Mr. Wang Chang (王章); right niche is uese to enshrine Mr. Chang Yu (張禹).
A sciomancy planchette writing room is located in left wind of main shrine, however, hkgalbert do NOT believe its abilities, hkgalbert remember that Hong Kong encountered great difficulties on 4 days water supply in summer, 1963!
On 9th May, 1963, Thursday, Yuen Ching Kwok (元清閣) had used sciomancy planchette writing asked for "Wong Tai Sin (黃大仙)" - Mr. Huang Chu Ping (黃初平) giving rainfall,
sciomancy planchette wrote as:
Light rain will fall in five day; Rainstorm will fall start from Lunar 27th April (18th June, 1963).
However, the actual rainfall had listed from the 3 news clips, start from 1:34, all are wrong!
1:34 為當年報紙報導,中華民國五十二年(1963年)5月9日,星期四,『元清閣』曾經以扶乩,叩請黃大仙降雨,以解救當時香港四天供水的制水困境,所得的乩示:
結果如 2:06 及 2:36 所示:「在五天內有小雨下降」完全不靈驗!「農曆四月廿七日(18th June, 1962, Tuesday)起宏雨大降」卻只得輕微驟雨!可說是胡說八道!因此它的聲名並不算高。
Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house. (Acts 16:31)
香港《華字日報》,中華民國念六年十一月廿日,星期六(20th November, 1937, Saturday),第壹張第壹頁。
逕啟者:本會所攝之《最後關頭(The Last Stand)》一片,業經剪接完竣,檢查通過,不日即行公映。惟關於該片之發行方法,以及本會一切結束事,亟待全體同仁共策商討。茲遵照全體執監聯席會議決,特定期於本月廿一日,下午三時(3:00 p.m. on 21st November, 1937, Sunday),假思豪酒店二樓舉行茶會(a tea party will be held on first floor of Hotel Cecil (思豪大酒店))。凡我影界同仁,務希準時自帶茶資壹元(bring HK$ 1 for your tea fee)到會參加(散會後參觀試片),事關重大,倘不到會,作為棄權。謹此公告。
十壹月廿日(20th November, 1937, Saturday)
香港《華字日報》,中華民國念六年十一月廿八日,星期日(28th November, 1937, Sunday),第貳張第叁頁。
華南電影界賑灾會,昨日(27th November, 1937, Saturday)假座華商總會,開第四次全體大會。出席者蘇怡、竺清賢、黃岱、羅永祥、子喉七(劉海東)趙樹燊、李化、湯曉丹、鄺山笑、林坤山、吳楚帆、黃笑馨等,該會顧問何甘棠亦依時到會。眾推舉蘇怡主席,黃花節紀錄。先由蘇怡報告攝製《最後關頭(The Last Stand)》之經過,刻已全部完成,中英政府俱已檢查通過。電影界傾全力攝製之《最後關頭》,至今遂全部功,繼討論《最後關頭》之發行問題。洪濟提議,將《最後關頭》底片、聲帶及子片,全部送交華人賑災會(Chinese Relief Fund Association),主理發行。將來該片收入,欵半數購買救國公債;半數賑濟難民,當經全體贊成通過,將該片捐交華人賑災會。同時選出電影界五人,以備華人賑災會,發行該片時諮詢,並請華人賑災會將購得之救國公債票,捐送東華醫院(Tung Wah Hospital)云。
香港《工商日報》,中華民國念七年一月五日,星期三(5th January, 1938, Wednesday),第三張第二版。
華南電影界賑災會,前允將《最後關頭(The Last Stand)》一片,全套贈捐華人賑災會(Chinese Relief Fund Association)發行,以便將該片收入所得,撥作賑濟災民及購買公債之用。查昨三日(3rd January, 1938, Monday),電影界代表蘇怡(Mr. So Yi),已親將該畫片子母片全套送出,由賑災會謝家寶