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LBRY Claims • 太誇張!電影-你是豬_BABI-海報種族歧視遭馬來西亞警方通牒.黃明志反擊國盟青年團極端分子“你才種族歧視!”


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Created On
18 Dec 2020 07:59:29 UTC
Transaction ID
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Dua minggu yang lepas, ada beberapa orang-orang EXTREMISTS dari Pemuda Perikatan Nasional membuat laporan kepada polis, menuduh saya menghina orang Melayu kerana poster filem [BABI] saya, dan dia juga menjemput wartawan dan media ketika membuat laporan polis… Come on lah, kenapa pulak nak panggil wartawan bila report polis? Adakah siapa pernah panggil wartawan bila buat laporan polis? Adakah? Kamu semua ingat mamat ni betul-betul mahu tolong orang Melayu ke? Atau dia hanya ingin nak jadi famous je? Dalam video hari ini, saya ingin membantah PUKIMAK ini ...

關於國盟青年團的極端分子到警局報警+抗議黃明志[你是豬]電影海報事件。警方目前已經展開調查,林北這一趟回去不知道會被關到什麼時候了… 今天,我就來回應一下這些王八蛋… 啤酒拿來先…

I use to think that all I need to do is to work harder to create my artwork, make movies, make music, and be recognized on international stage, and then one day I can become an honor of my country. But in the end, I realized that they don’t even know how to appreciate me and my effort. The police would rather listen to the extremists’ opinions and arrest me without using their professional judgement and sense. All because of a poster. It makes me feel extremely disappointed and ashamed of them. I hope everyone will share this video to more people to let the world know the current situation in Malaysia. Please cherish democracy and treasure creative freedom. Please don’t be like Malaysia.

Trailer【你是豬|BABI】預告 :

Behind The Scene【你是豬|BABI】幕後花絮 :

Movie Theme Song【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲 Movie Theme Song【Happy Family】:


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