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LBRY Claims • Maharana-Pratap-Jayanti_-What-Asaf-Khan-told-Mughals-at-Haldighati


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Created On
9 May 2020 16:31:53 UTC
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Doesn't matter who dies when Hindus fight Hindus in the name of Secularism or Democracy - Abrahamic religions win.
At the Battle of Haldighati, the Mughal forces were commanded by Raja Man Singh - because secular-minded emperor Akbar asked a Hindu nobleman to lead the charge against the Maharana - so we were told in the secular text-books. However, your secular school textbook might have been slightly less forthcoming about one Asaf Khan whom Akbar had also appointed as a “joint commander.”

Someone asked Asaf Khan - There are many Rajput soldiers fighting on the Mughal side (Seculars existed back then as well) and in the heat of battle, how would they tell friend from foe? What if they ended up fighting people on their own side?

Asaf Khan replied :

“They will hear the whiz of the arrows, be they who they may, and on whichever side they fall the gain is Islam’s.”

And therefore the real enemies are the ones who call themselves Hindus and support secularism - because Muslims only support Sharia.
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