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LBRY Claims • Everybody-Hates-Angel-And-I-Do-I...-158


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22 May 2022 12:12:38 UTC
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Everybody Hates Angel And I Do Too
I got some GOOD information of the accounts of the conquistadors in a book i read about how they found DARK NEGRO indians AND ASIAN looking INDIANS at the SAME time in america and they are DESCRIBED as EAST looking INDIANS.. this shows that BOTH NEGRO AND INDIAN nowadays were there...

This guy "everybody hates angel" (a lined up eyebrow guy) made a video named:

African Americans Are Not Native American Indians - You Are African

Where he calls us negros basically delusional and running away from our HAMITE roots, thus he calls us HAMITES and basically ashamed of being so..

He probably never been his state physically (but predominantly with his mind) yet alone america.. in order to see the facts of the world and yet he wants to be a teacher in history and origins of things as if he knows better...

Full text of "The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida; or, Record of the events of fifty-six years, from 1512 to 1568"

The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida; or, Record of the events of fifty-six years, from 1512 to 1568 (PDF)

(by the way? this guy says about "500.000" slaves were sent to america in boats that not accurate and YES he IS right... it was from around 1555 yes that is more accurate than their 1619-1620 that they claim is the date of the slavery of the so called negros...

actually the official date on record is 1619-1620.. but that were the masses.. .smaller portions of slaves were already being done on the israelites.. the natives and the negroes from europe and that were already in america...)

If only about 500,000 slaves were sent to America between 1555 and 1863, were any indigenous black people already living in America?

Brother Polight on Why Jesus Couldn't Be White or Mary a Virgin

(I cant find the "500 Nations" book online nor PDF but i have not really searched hard.. it was late and i was tired.. and i wanted to relax, calm down get more tired and then sleep.. so... sorry bout that...)

Here is the PDF but i think you gotta sub or buy it or something..

500 nations : an illustrated history of North American Indians

500 Nations: An Illustrated History of North American Indians

(negroes LOVE to say how the black female is a goddess but aint no black female feel this way about you HARD enough to tattoo a QUEEN OF SPADES Q lettered tattoo on their body or even make a chain with a Q spades or even make a freaking FREE website that glorifies the so called black man AS a god... nope... you simps just trying get some pussy and ya hormones are acting up again..)

What is the meaning behind a Queen of Spades tattoo?


He doesnt call a chinese a japanese.. but he will call me AN AFRICAN... when people of the world see a somalian or aretrean person? They do not see me as them and those people also do NOT see me as their own..
they KNOW it is a different person all together.. a different form of being even

We are not the same.. just as how the chinese his culture is kung fu and the japanese his culture is samurai ism.. just because they look alike doesnt mean they are the same people
same with me and africans.. they are hamites and i am an israelite... there are different nations on earth that look alike but are not the same


Everybody Hates Angel And So Do I

Here in this video which i cant post in youtube i show through documented history that HERNADO DE SOTO went to america and documented that there were afro people there ALONG WITH the commercially known native americans which are BOTH the lost tribes of the nation of israel which are the 10 tribes... from south to north america... the native americans were so called indian and so called afro people that were already there before columbus came in those lands...

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