2600 world wide meetup with Hispagatos - Every first Friday of the Month!
## 2600 world wide meetup with Hispagatos
I'm very #grateful that #HOPE2020 happened & I know many of you are too, but anyone else missing their local 2600 meetups?
We do, so we're inviting you to join the #Hispagatos @colectivo for the online 2600 #worldwide meetup every first Friday of the month, at 17:30 EST [23:30 CEST] in our #VR "barrio": https://hubs.mozilla.com/zWXK8U6/2600
We're planning to meet every first Friday of the month, so come join us to hang with your fellow #cats. ^_^
Este video es de mi otro canal personal "El hacker nómada", este ha sido el ultimo video por ahora.
Este video es de pago por que es una beta de lbry llamado #lbrytvpaidbeta
Un resumen de los acontecido a lo largo de la primera mitad de agosto y final de Julio! El ordenador montado y preparación para el campamento de hackers en Alemania!
$100 para DigitalOcean con este cupón!
Cupón para el banco alternativo mas barato y menos malo, especial para nómadas y viajeros
- Anarchist village
- Sobre los Fascistas
* https://c4ss.org/content/51088 - No Code Alone will Save You
* https://heartsucker.com/blog/2018/07/28/no-hope-for-fascists Nope Hope For Fascist
* https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wjkjzm/what-went-wrong-at-the-hope-hacking-conference MotherBoard
* https://medium.com/@nofashathope/no-hope-for-fascism-myths-facts-9a8bbf27070f Segundo comunicado
* https://hispagatos.org/blog/2018-07-27-hope-2018/ Hispagatos
- Doze clase de hackers
- Hispagatos apoya el llamamiento contra los fascistas en dia 12 de Agosto en Washington
* https://video.hispagatos.org/videos/watch/53570949-a364-4031-984b-01fc80c76fed
-facebook censura a compas
- Trans hackmeeting
Freedom Downtime (2001)
#FreedomDowntime #KevinMitnick #hacking #hackers #2001
Freedom Downtime is a 2001 documentary film sympathetic to the convicted computer hacker Kevin Mitnick, directed by Emmanuel Goldstein and produced by 2600 Films.
Hack The System!! a(A)a
A feature length documentary about the Free Kevin movement and the hacker world. This is a story of a hacker named Kevin Mitnick, imprisoned without bail for nearly five years. Freedom Downtime tries to uncover the reasons why the authorities are so scared of Mitnick as well as define what exactly he did. Surprisingly, no real evidence is ever presented by the authorities to back up the sensationalist claims in mass media. But when a Hollywood studio decides to make a movie about Mitnick's life through the eyes of one of his accusers, hackers turn to activism to get their message out. Through interviews with relatives, friends, lawyers, and experts in the computer and civil liberties arena, a picture of a great injustice becomes apparent. A cross-country journey uncovers some realities of the hacker culture as well as the sobering fact that so many technically-adept young people are being imprisoned.
- Anarchist village
- Problema con Fascistas
* https://c4ss.org/content/51088 - No Code Alone will Save You
* https://heartsucker.com/blog/2018/07/28/no-hope-for-fascists Nope Hope For Fascist
* https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wjkjzm/what-went-wrong-at-the-hope-hacking-conference MotherBoard
* https://medium.com/@nofashathope/no-hope-for-fascism-myths-facts-9a8bbf27070f Segundo comunicado
* https://hispagatos.org/blog/2018-07-27-hope-2018/ Hispagatos
- Doze clase de hackers
- Hispagatos apoya el llamamiento contra los fascistas en dia 12 de Agosto en Washington
* https://video.hispagatos.org/videos/watch/53570949-a364-4031-984b-01fc80c76fed
-facebook censura a compas
- Trans hackmeeting
starbase: Rave at our pinguin player made station - Friday night fun
- [starbase](https://store.steampowered.com/app/454120/Starbase/)
- [hispagatos](https://hispagatos.org)
- Gemini: gemini://blog.hispagatos.org
- Gemini rek2 blog gemini://rek2.hispagatos.org
# Hackerñol - Parte 1 de 2 videos - 00001010 - Dos Viejos emocionados, con Barrett Brown y Chelsea Manning
Otro episodio loco donde discutimos, opinamos, reímos criticamos para bien o para mal todo en el mundo hacker, activismo/hacktivismo y movimientos sociales.
Topicos de hoy:
- Million mask march - http://www.millionmaskmarch.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a34x_18zVA0
- Aaron swartz day - https://www.aaronswartzday.org/
- Barrent brown. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrett_Brown
- Chelsea Manning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Manning
- /r/Anarcho_hackers https://www.reddit.com/r/anarcho_hackers/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/HackBloc/comments/7aak31/a_new_podcast_on_the_intersection_of_technology/
- Un podcast nuevo http://generalintellectunit.net/
- Antifascista/Antifa hoy en todas las ciudades.
- Mexico - http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/2017/07/11/arte-resistencia-y-rebeldia-en-la-red-convocatoria-a-la-edicion-cibernetica-del-comparte-contra-el-capital-y-sus-muros-todas-las-artes/
- https://www.hacktivistvillage.com/
- Anarquismo en cuba - https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/395-winter-2016-50th-anniversary/we-want-to-revive-anarchism-in-cuba/
- cyberpunk - neondystopia - https://www.neondystopia.com/cyberpunk-music/snapshots-of-a-surveillance-manifesto-hungarian-cyberpunk/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=reddit&utm_source=news
- Hackers son el sistema inmunologico de internet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erCAp_Bd0AQ&feature=share - Keren Elazari - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keren_Elazari
__FREE JEREMY HAMMOND!!!!__ Libertad para el compañero Jeremy Hammond.
https://freejeremy.net/ @FreeJeremyNet
Musica por:
DualCore http://dualcoremusic.com/nerdcore @dualcoremusic
Gracias a #hispagatos #DC801, HackBloc , #dc415 a la #EFF #FSF y otros anarquistas hackers y anti autoritarios por compartir momentos inolvidables (A)
i2p IRC en el canal #hispagatos #leftsec #latino-i2p #anarchism
Mortal Online 2 - Explorando desde Morin-Khur a Toxai y l explorando la cueva Sheevra
- clan: [Escuadrón de las sombras](https://mortalonline2.com/forums/threads/es-escuadr%C3%B3n-de-las-sombras-spanish-international.84/)
- Juego: [Mortal Online](https://www.mortalonline2.com/)
- [hispagatos](https://hispagatos.org)
- [hispagatos en gemini] gemini://blog.hispagatos.org
- [rek2 blog en gemini] gemini://rek2.hispagatos.org
- [real-changeling en gemini] gemini://real-changeling.hispagatos.org