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LBRY Claims • Rose-Thornton-Remembering-The-Light


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Created On
12 Nov 2023 18:56:49 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Rosemary Thornton-Remembering The Light
Rosemary Thornton is an amazing Instrument entrusted to the hands of God's Angels.

Explore beyond the cynical; hear her TDE, Temporary Death Experience story. Her experience defies rational comprehension in the scientific sense. I experienced 'synchronicities galore' when hearing her story. If you believe in synchronicities, you'll find nuggets of gold here, as I did.

Her website:

Her book promo:

Remembering the Light:
How Dying Saved My Life

When Rose’s husband committed suicide at their home, she fell into a pit so deep and dark that medical professionals expressed doubts that she would ever fully recover.

Two years later, Rose was diagnosed with cancer, and during a “minor medical procedure,” she bled to death and had no heartbeat for 10+ minutes.

In heaven, she was told that if she agreed to return to earth, she’d be restored to good health physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Subsequent medical tests affirmed that every vestige of the disease was gone, but as Rose often says, the “bigger story” was the restoration of her soul. The crippling grief occasioned by her husband’s suicide was gone.

The story of Rose’s “temporary death experience” has garnered more than 3 million views on a wide variety of video platforms, including a recently released documentary (Life to Afterlife: 2). The prevalent comment shared by viewers is, “This is the best NDE story that I’ve ever heard.”

The music lead-in to this video recording is 'Life is a Mystery' and is from my favorite musician, Michael Monroe. Michael is also a friend and said I could use his music for these recordings. I'm sure he's like recognition. His music has been responsible for a huge transformational shift in how I view manhood. Here's his website link: Check out his music. You'll be amazed!

I'm testing software for creating intro/outro to videos. It's definitely still on the learning curve. Please be patient with me as I grow my Channel. Me, I doubt I'll ever ask people to like and subscribe or 'smash' some button or other. I'm glad you're here. Yes, I'm glad I'm here, too. The Incomplete Skeptic is for you (my minor contribution to bringing more love to the world and suspending cynical thinking) more than my popularity.
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