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12 Mar 2024 11:42:49 UTC
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The Terrifying Truth: Blood on Hands. Give Warning! #hellfire #bloodonhands #watchman #warn #shorts
We MUST testify! Full video:

The inspiring story of Paul the apostle. His dogged determination under fire. His resolve and resilience. Paul urges us to follow his example - in 1 Corinthians 11:1, Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Paul is a role model for us. He's one of the most prominent men in the in the New Testament - he wrote about 50% of it. When Christ met Paul on the Damascus Road he was forever changed.

There's a time Paul shared his heart with people. He tells of the character of his life. He was about to board a ship and bid farewell to beloved friends. In Acts 20:17 he called the elders of the church and he said, You know from the first day... after what manner I have been with you at all seasons. Paul talks about the manner of his life. That's how we measure a man. It tells of his character. Let's look at the character of Paul.

Faithfulness. Paul says you know from the first day that I came ...what manner I've been with you, at all seasons. Here's a man who didn't put things off - he got on with it, right from day one. Paul was consistent. Right from the start he was sold out. No matter what you can or can't do, there is one thing you can do - you can be faithful.

Humility. Paul says, serving the Lord with all humility of mind... A mark of humility is serving. Serving the Lord translates into serving others too. Let's have a heart to serve.

Compassion. Paul tells of many tears. He shed many tears. He had a burden for others. Can we weep over the backsliders, over false teachers, over souls? Can we have a heart for people? Psalm 126:5 ...they that sow in tears shall reap in Joy. Many are going to a Christless eternity. Paul had the compassion of Christ. When the Lord beheld the city he wept over it.

Courage. Paul says, I kept back nothing that was profitable unto. He says, I held nothing back. I gave it all to you. He had to testify. He was sold out. We are called to be courageous. Don't hold back.

The devil wants you to clam up - and not speak the name of Jesus - not to witness. He wants to move you to silence. Paul says, I've held nothing back. I've got to testify.

We are to urge people to repentance - to faith in Christ. Let's have the same courage Paul had - in face of many dangers. Paul says, Behold now I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem - the Holy Spirit propelled him, compelled him, to go to Jerusalem. The love of Christ constrained him to go.
Paul knew that suffering and affliction lay ahead of him, but he did not quit. Have courage - do something for God.

Stedfastness is another quality Paul demonstrates for us: "...but none of these things move me..."
Paul would rather die with a conviction than live with a compromise.

Paul says, My life is not dear to me. He places no value on his own life, compared to the importance of fulfilling the will of God - of doing God's will. David says, I shall not be moved, Psalm 16:8. Don't move. Don't quit.

Paul says, That I might finish my course with joy and the ministry... Will you finish your course? What God's put on your heart to do? What he's called you to? The Lord wants us to be good stewards of our life.

He says, I am pure from the blood of all men, for I have have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Paul tells of his responsibility towards others. There's a graphic picture here of blood on hands. Ezekiel 3, If we fail to ...warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life ... his blood will I require at thine hand. It's talking about the responsibility of the watchman. Blood on hands. Someone else's blood on my hands - the one I haven't told. The one I haven't warned, when I should have. We have to warn people there's a Hell ahead. Paul wasn't ashamed of the Gospel.

Paul says, Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock... He warns about "grievous wolves" - grievous means cruel and destructive. Savage wolves. Paul says watch and warn - with tears. We can expect to be under attack. The idea here is of the church elders serving as watchmen who stand guardm as sentinels on the walls of the city.

Generosity is something else in Paul's life. He knew it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Prayer. Paul was also a man of prayer ...he knelt down and prayed with them all.

Love. We also see love in Paul's life: ...they all wept sore and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him... Let's be a people who love and care for one another.

Don't be moved. Paul was fixed on finishing his course. Our Lord says, you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Be strong. Don't shy away from sacrifice.

Paul says, I'm going to finish my course with joy. There's a joy and gladness in doing the will of God.

2 Timothy 4, Paul relates, I've fought a good fight, I've finished my course, I've kept the faith.

Our Lord calls us to a good stewardship of our lives. Paul tells young Timothy: be thou an example of the believers...
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