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LBRY Claims • MMC_5MinuteSquatBurnout_082017


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2 Jan 2023 18:31:42 UTC
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Workout 153 – 5 Minute Squat Burnout

What’s Inside This Video:
What’s Inside This Video:

Dr. Jade’s signature techniques in this workout include …

Rest-based training: Remember that keeping clean, strong form is your first priority, pushing yourself hard is second. Clean form builds neuromuscular connections in your brain, builds muscle functionally, and prevents injury. Rest when you need to fully reset: physically and
B’s and H’s: Breathless, burning, heavy and heat. These sensations indicate your body is reacting to how you’re moving, and priming your metabolism to burn fat-calories during and after your workout.
Burnout: Overload your muscles using variations of a move that works the entire muscle group for a final stimulus push.
AMRAP: Perform as many squat sets as possible in 5 minutes.
Here’s What You’ll Do:

Perform the following moves. AMRAP for 5 minutes.

10 Bodyweight Squats
10 Squat Jumps
10 Squat Pulses

Tara’s Notes and Modifications:

Warm up on your own for 5-10 minutes before starting the workout.
On all Squats, get low, look up, and sit back in the heels.
If Squat Jumps are too much, OK to regress to Bodyweight Squats.

How to Maximize Your Workout:

Even though it’s a short workout, it’s still rest-based training. Push until you can’t, rest until you can.
Be sure to always sit back in your heels on all Squats to keep your knees from jutting out over your toes. This protects your knee joints.
If you’re feeling beastly, feel free to start the video over and go for 10 minutes.

Workout Description: 10 Bodyweight Squats, 10 Squat Jumps, 10 Squat Pulses.

Equipment Needed: A phone or timer to time the workout.
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