His latest news - https://youtu.be/3IQg7jjkMpM Torben Sondergaard of the movement/church The Last Reformation has still been detained, denied bail with no charges against him in Baker County Detention Center Florida USA...I thought you guys had freedom of religion there??? Can someone tell me whats going on in America?
Everyone has different views on what democracy and freedom should look like..depending on what kind of media or information they have received...so its good to get people to keep asking questions...The Police did a good job yesterday, no one was arrested, everybody got their time in front of the camera to say their thing , then everyone went home to drink some bubble tea...(NSW and Victorian police in Australia, maybe the Taiwan police can teach you about how to control crowds)
looking at the mark of the beast 666...changing your genetic code so that you are no longer human, made in the image of God and your forfeit the free gift of eternal salvation through God (Jesus) and so belong and are owned (marked) by Satan, to be thrown into the lake of fire to be tortured for all eternity...
(I tend to only show the bad side of things in my videos, this is not the case, there are plenty of good things too) A dream...."When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them." Daniel 11 vs 34...
Gods Word never changes although men would like to change it.....Gods promises will always come true ....although through Cern via the Mandela Effect certain words in the Bible have been changed...and how we can know the truth or interpretation of a particular passage....(if you want to know God (Jesus) exists just ask Him , He will answer if you are sincere in your request)
God always repeats Himself...and is the same yesterday today and tomorrow, and in Him is no darkness (sin) .... He came to take your sins away and forgive them (...and then with God's help you go sin no more...)
(I mean couch not sofa.....as one of the words that have been changed)
other things that have been changed "Luke I am your father" "life is like a box of chocolates" "thats not a knife, this is a knife" have all been changed too, through Cern...