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LBRY Claims • AIDS


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21 Oct 2021 10:34:09 UTC
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What is HIV/AIDS really??
Originally posted on my blog here. can find more details there.

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So according to Dr Robert Strecker the smallpox vaccine is the likely cause of AIDS.

But in general anyone can acquire AIDS by poisoning themselves.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is acquired when a human body is deficient in magnesium, zinc and vitamin A. These minerals and vitamins are used to clean the body of toxins, free radicals and perform cell regeneration.

Being deficient in these compromises the human immune system by preventing it from operating at full capacity.

When the immune system is not operating properly and running really low on immune/detoxing boosting nutrients the body will need to seek out and grab these needed chemicals by producing cytokines to rip apart healthy organ tissue via apoptosis on healthy cells inside the body to get the nutrients required to regrow or regenerate the damaged and deficient cells in the body.

Think of cytokines like a miner with a pick axe chipping away at organ tissue then they also collect and move the cell nutrients and debris to the poisoned area to help with cell regeneration.

This happens when the body is malnourished or deficient or overwhelmed by toxicity.

The truth is, our cells are being poisoned regularly due to the;

Air we breathe "ground level ozone, carbon monoxide and dirty electrical discharge".

Food we eat "pesticides, genetically modified organisms and low nutritional diet recommendations".

The water we drink "fluoride, graphene oxide and emf exposed water".

The harmful drugs we take "synthetic non natural medicine and the introduction of gene damaging RNA enzymes from dirty diseased animal/human hybrid immuno-therapies aka vaccines"

All this toxicity forces our healthy cells that have absorbed these toxins to go through a constant routine of apoptotic cell destruction or detoxification to prevent chronic inflammation and disease.

Apoptosis is a word for "programmed cell death", when the regulatory system recognizes damaged or abnormal DNA inside cells, those cells can be programmed for destruction.

Sometimes these cells can be packed into tumor sacks via chemotaxis to be starved of energy to stop replication to be detoxed later by the activation of common cold and flu detoxification processes.

These damaged DNA cells can be stored and used later if there are viable parts of the cell needed in the body for things such as cell regeneration.

Cell regeneration requires lots of cytokines packaged into exosomes which will also need lots of magnesium, zinc and vitamin A to regenerate damaged cells via exosomal recombination.

Sometimes when the body is overly toxic the body will go into a cytokine release syndrome or cytokine storm.

Cytokines are known as viral "destructive proteins" your body naturally codes for these and are used to break down and move healthy tissue into areas needed for cell regeneration.

This process is always mediated by exosomes through a process called exosomal recombination and in reality these highly determined/destructive exosomes are what virologists call HIV.

Many studies have been done to show this to be true and there really is no natural or man made virus organism called HIV.

AIDS is simply your body's natural exosomes being programmed to do a function that looks like viral infection and can cause mass inflammation if the body is deficient and or overwhelmed by toxins.

Sometimes these exosomes can be programmed by poisoned abnormal cells and this too can lead to chronic disease usually due to deficiency and not having adequate nutritional chemicals and amino acids in the reservoir to alter or destroy the poisoned cells, chronic and degenerative disease is usually the outcome.
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