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LBRY Claims • multidimensional-thoughts-(being-the-152


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22 Dec 2022 07:48:55 UTC
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Multidimensional thoughts (being the evolution) as sound is just another dimension here.
This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy.  The audio as well may trigger an adverse reaction for certain audio sensitive people.  Viewing and listening discretion is advised.  

I have been playing the supernova II by novation since 2000 mostly as often as I can. I have worked with the presets reprogramming over 1/2 of the over 500 presets -- each preset has 8 patches - each patch has almost an endless set of settings that can be adjusted during play or set and saved into their own settings. there are 10 sets of 128 patches to be added to each of the 4 sets of 128 performance settings 8 at a time.

I channel inter-dimensional beings from alternate realities and use other multiverses' content. I realize tridoxical synchronized systems of manifolds as my units of reference to measure what I know from the cosmic consciousness' thought streams.

If there is anyone who knows how to comment then go for it.  Please you can describe what you are seeing and hearing in these videos.  These videos are made to inspire others to make and perform imagery with sound similar or not so similar.  all my videos can be used as source files for new videos either music image or both by anyone .. I want to mention that If these videos are not easily downloadable, I will send the video to anyone who asks for them to use for themselves or in conjunction with others in making new videos.  As well any portion of the video can be used either image by image(usually 60 images in a row every 1 second) with each image work as art or to be mixed into new art works like I do sometimes,.. and the music as well can be lifted out for any purpose such as to make new songs or sound constructions.  I make these videos also because when I listen to them I don't hear audio hallucinations and looking at them I don't have visual hallucinations thus they solve my hallucination problems that are helped by these videos.  I do not know, maybe they can do that for you??

5 audio players playing a playlist of my complete set of music I have been able to collect on the computer. 14,632 songs.  I am going to add more soon. I added more just yesterday(middle of june '22) like 200 more songs I made,..

All matter is alive... in away.,,. Things, everything, everywhere is alive everywhere,... even photons make decisions, how do they do that? the molecules in my body but the molecules everywhere it is all alive,.. life is everywhere life is a living thing .. life is now,.. now is real,. only now is real ..things, all things are going to come from now,.. It is now on Jupiter,.. it all exists right now right here ,,. Here is everywhere, now , everywhere is here. we are in the afterlife and before-life now-here,.. we are all apart of this life thing that is the universe,. we can't get out of it we are not free... but trapped here with everyone - everything being matter and living ,.. on and on forever and ever,.. it is now always forever everywhere as we live inside this universe that knows what everything is thinking everywhere,..

Multidimensional thoughts (being the evolution) with one or another race or various species of bugs or even the human species can be done by mapping them in idea form where they are an interwoven tree like graphing and branching with each new birth by connection coming from this is to another part having more branching going on as they occur in the tree/map forming patterns similar but different from the original pattern they came from.  This idea has no end or beginning as it grows into larger and larger trees and branchings since time has been mapped itself into just a point on the tree that would branch combining with all other kinds of now moments all put together like this. I see this as a thought in my mind so it is just another multidimensional thought of mine.  

I did die in the hospital at about 5 years old, I left my body and things like that.  I looked back down from above and then went back into my body. And then I realized I could leave my body when I wanted to, and practiced doing that, at 5 years old, in the hospital, so that I can still do that now.  I have left my body at times as I sleep and gone everywhere in the universe or even possible universes.  ,..and yeah I setup ways to travel out there using some kind of structure through empty space I developed back as a 5 year old, just in a blink of time and going on over all the years, I have been alive.  My 58th birthday december 2nd.  I do not consider an umbilical cord connection to my body to get back to me when I am projecting into the universes, probably because things like that don't matter to me...
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