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LBRY Claims • Covid-19Coverup


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4 Dec 2021 02:46:33 UTC
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RCMP institutional gaslighting operation on the whistleblower, against Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory involvement at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, for the creation of Covid-19.
The Covid-19 pandemic was co-created by the Canadian authorities sending assistance from the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, the Communist Party of China's gain of function research program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and the U.S. corporate-democrats to sabotage President Trump's 2020 campaign, through pre-planning the manipulation of the mail-in ballot system. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police pretended to arrest the undisclosed number of Canadian-Chinese virologists involved, from the NML on July 5th of 2019, whom were working extensively in Wuhan.

The arrest was immediately followed up by a coverup story across the Canadian legacy news platforms, about policy violations, whom were bought out by parliament since 2019 after financially defaulting in 2018. However, after my relentless whistleblowing to the RCMP and the Winnipeg Police, they changed the coverup story to Ebola strain transfers, which were old news without legal liabilities, and fired the virologists as a further coverup after being exposed. This Laboratory is a unique level 4 biolab, with an extensive history of assisting the bioweapons program at the WIV.

All of the major Canadian legacy news media collapsed financially in 2018, surviving on 600 million subsidiaries from Trudeau's government since 2019, and this bailout was structured to give parliament full control over the news. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's statement that this was supposed to allow the media to be free and independent is ludicrous, it's as if they took George Orwell's dystopian novel, 1984, as instruction manuals on running the state. I will prove in the next paragraph, with the obvious coverup of the 2020 Nova Scotia Mass Shooting, committed by a deranged RCMP operative, that the Canadian news have become a state propaganda platform.

The Nova Scotia Mass Shooting in April of 2020 was an RCMP and Canadian Intelligence coverup. Firstly, Gabriel Wortman, the shooter who murdered 22 civilians and himself, withdrew half a million in cash without financial trail from Brinks. This is only possible for Canadian undercover operatives, which Brinks assisted in covering up, claiming that they cannot disclose the financial information of a deceased terrorist. This is why they did not raise Alert Ready, when Wortman started his shooting, the system specifically built to alert citizens of emergencies, and why he was caught on CCTV in police uniform driving an RCMP vehicle. This is why they made the choice not to stop him for 13 hours, despite having nearby officers, attempting to save their reputation first.

Incompetence, psychopathic thinking, and saving reputation triumphed over saving the lives of innocent civilians. The Canadian authorities claim that they never knew Wortman, incredulously claiming that the vehicle he was driving was somehow a perfect replica, without explaining how or why he would painstakingly build this, without anyone in his life noticing him. The worst part of the aftermath of this tragedy, is the same psychopaths running a parade, appearing like the saddest people in the world. They were trying to play up their innocence, with no regard to closure for families of the victims. Then these lunatics pass new legislation in parliament, reducing rifle cartridges for civilians to 5. This is the true face of the Canadian authorities, and parliament.

Covid-19 contains three evolutionary impossible abilities from gain-of-function research: supereffectively transmit to human cells, supereffectively transmit between humans, and specifically transmit indoors. Ferrets were the main cross-species research mammals used for transitioning virility from Bats to Humans, still traceable on the virus. The genetic science that gears Covid-19 towards indoor transmissions were rushed, zoological and ecological consequences will follow. This previously outlawed gain-of-function research, was unbanned in 2017 by Tony Fauci of the National Institute of Health, the two faced Chief Medical Advisor to the U.S. President, who provides funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Tony Fauci has a cult like following with the democratic voters, with many connections within the corporate-democratic establishment.

China created the illusion of containing an outbreak, locking civilians indoors and suppressing alarms, but the virus was designed to transmit indoors: they were spooling it, ensuring it could transmit globally by creating enough carriers. This is why the virus was released with a long incubation period. This was partly in response to President Donald Trump's ultra aggressive policies, against China's market and currency manipulation, and geopolitical agendas in Asia. The corporate-democrats in the U.S. has secret ties with the Chinese government, and conspired together to create this pandemic to undermine democracy. The corporate-democrats have become deranged, and Joe Biden's rumor as an old ally of China is true. for details
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