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LBRY Claims • song-of-abraham-revelation-of-yhwhy


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2 Apr 2024 01:39:45 UTC
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The Apocalypse of Avraham or Kizion Avram and it goes through the things that Abram wrote down for his sons but we are going to pick up this excerpt in chapter 14 because I want to teach you a song I want you to know of this tune of righteousness chapter 14 from epision of rum and the angel said to me Abram and I said 1080 here am I your servant and he said no from that this that the Eternal one the HUD whom you have loved and chosen you be bold and do through your Authority whatever I order you against him who reveals Justice will I not be able to revile him who has scattered about the Earth the secrets of shamaim the heavens and who has taken counsel against the mighty one say to him may you be the fire brand of the Furnace of the earth go Azazel into the untrodden parts of the Earth for your heritage is over those who are with you with the Stars and with the men born by the clouds whose portion are you indeed they exist through your being enmity is for you a Pious act therefore through your own destruction be gone from me and I said the words as the angel had taught me and he said avram and I said hanani here am I your servant and the angel said to me answer him not and he spoke to me a second time and the angel said now whatever he says you to you answer him not lest his will run up up to you for the Eternal El Elion gave him the gravity and the will do not answer him and I did what the angel had commanded me and whatever he said to me about the dissent I answered him not 15 and it came to pass when the sun was setting and behold a smoke like that of a furnace and the melakim the Angels who had divided the portions of the sacrifice ascended from the top of the Furnace of smoke and the angel took me with his right hand and set me on the right wing of a pigeon and he himself sat on the left wing of the turtle dove both of which were as of neither slaughtered nor divided this is the sacrificing militzedok in Genesis back to our story and he carried me up to the edge of the fiery flames and we ascended as if carried by many wins to the heaven that is fixed on the expanse and I saw on the air to whose height we had ascended a strong light which cannot be described and behold in this light of fiery gehenem was enkindled and a great crowd in the likeness of men they all were changing an aspect and shape running and changing form and prostrating themselves and crying words I did not know 16 and the angel said to me why is it that you now brought me here for now I can no longer see because I am weakened and my ruach is departing from me and he said to me remain with me do not fear for he whom you will see coming directly towards us in a great sound of sanctification is the Eternal echad the Eternal one who has loved you and will not look at him himself but let your ruach not weaken for I Am with You strengthening you chapter 17. you're gonna like this and while he was still speaking behold the fire coming toward us round about and the voice was in the fire like a voice of many Waters like voice of the sea in its uproar and the angel knelt down with me and worshiped and I wanted to fall face down on the Earth and the place of highness on which we were standing now stopped on high now rolled down low and he said only worship Abraham and recite the song which I taught you since there was no ground to which I could fall prostate and I only bowed down and recited the song which he had taught me and he said recite without ceasing and I recited and he himself recited the song eternalion

kodesh l akhad

self-originated Incorruptible immaculate yakid spotless immortal self-perfecting self-de devised without mother without father ungenerated exalted fiery just lover of men benevolent compassionate Bountiful jealous over me patient one most tested merciful Ellie Eternal Elion kodesh Shabbat El hakavod LL

You are he my soul has loved my protector Eternal fiery shining light-giving Thunder voiced lightning Vision many eyed receiving the petitions of those who honor you and turning away from the petitions of those who restrain you by the Restraint of their provocations Redeemer of those who dwell in the midst of the wicked ones of those who are dispersed among the just of the world in the corruptable age showing forth the age of the just you make the light shine before the morning light upon your creation from your panov your face to spend the day on the earth and in your heavenly shamaine Dwelling Place there is an inexhaustible light ........... Elder Vance

go in the Eternal peace of Yahuwah
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