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LBRY Claims • cybercrime-in-texas-bcb-trust-chapter-27


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14 Nov 2022 15:51:42 UTC
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Cybercrime in Texas - BCB Trust Chapter 27 [Invoicie Redirection Fraud]
Augustin and his global travels always in search for best products and best conditions talks again about his case. Now inspired by the recent article of the Huffpost called THE GOLDEN AGE OF WHITE COLLAR CRIME, where Michael Hobbs writes about how easy it is to commit white collar crimes nowadays and how it is hard to make justice as even the FBI or the CIA are lacking resources to operate.
Read the full article by Michael Hobbs here:

Bring Civilisation Back TRUST by LEGroup
LEGroup is established enterprise with three locations: Florida, United States, Ireland, European Union, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. In 12 years of history, the company has generated over 200 million dollars on businesses worldwide which all of them establish a relationship with the United States and other countries in the world, such as Libya, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Sint Marteen, Vietnam, Togo, Kenya, Italy, and several others.
All this global experience combined with additional 15 years of the companies’ owner and founder Mr. Augustin T. O’Brien Caceres, LEGroup has experienced and witnessed all the dramatic changes that happened on the western civilization during the last decade of the 1000′ millennium and these first two decades of the years 2000, living this time in history called by experts in human sciences as the death of the western civilization. Process that Augustin considers as finished now and that we can confirm that the Western Civilisation is already dead, who is older than 40 years now in 2020, can still describe the final days and a bit to younger generations about how it used to be when the Westerners used to exist but the process is fully finished now and what used to be the Western World can be considered dead today, in 2020.
And why is he saying this? It is not because he is watching the news and reading books about it, it is because AUGUSTIN IS NEWS HIMSELF. He has lived in his own skin the dramas and problems of being a survivor of the past good times of civilization that have been abruptly damaged and turned into this globalized world we live that still has this make up face of old times that do not exist anymore but lots of people as himself still live as if the make up they see were real and this is what happened in his business trips and business developments in Thailand, Texas and Brazil in the year 2000.
The case he explains in this video is when all these evil energies of globalization looted his company in 2018 for a period of 3 months until the landlords that own the production facilities of his products in the countries above attacked his company and robbed all his income through disgusting methods of slandering, defamation, fraud, and money laundering.
The cases, fully reported to the MAKE UP WORLD: Polices, embassies, attorneys, everybody is aware and serviced with copies of all the reports and documents, and videos but that's the funny fact. The entire case stays in the COVER, in the MAKE UP. Based on the beautiful letters from embassies, police, and even attorneys, the case can be considered closed and dismissed but... what a minute: did the defendants pay? NO. They just don't pay. Stay tuned and follow up the next episodes.
There's also the documentary about the Golden Times of The Billiard Congress of America. Replaced now for front companies still using all western names such as 'AMERICAN HERITAGE' or 'ITALIAN STYLE PRODUCT' but most businesses being conducted by American traitors backed by Thai, Chinese, and Brazilian landlords who do not pay for labor, do not pay tax, offer 'cheapest product in America' or 'free shipping' to the innocent end buyer who are not aware of anything that's happening behind the scenes. Stay tuned!
In the particular case of the Looting that LEGroup has been suffering since 2018, the estimations of amounts embezzled and defrauded by the defendants are:
Rice Thailand: Valai Limphaisansakul: Contracts 2,265,120$ per year L907-19
Tuna Thailand: Yuchana Limnithithum: Contracts 6,156,000$ per year L906-19
Slate Brazil: Alexandre Almeida: Contracts 1,500,000$ per year L818-18
Cheese Wisconsin/Texas: Mike Burg / Jamey Williams: Contract L905-18 3,387,186$ per period.
Write us for further details at such as copies of police reports, seven day demand letters, photographs, e-mails. The cases are all already fully reported and all we received was letters and calls of support from embassies, chambers of commerce, but at the time of putting reality in practice, we end up just collecting bills from attorneys and other hilarious results in what we call the death of our civilization and/or the golden age of the white collar crimes, where you just can't put in practice justice even if the make up world we live shows the entire opposite. For those who like us are positive, the defendants above bill is only growing.
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