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LBRY Claims • futureofinternetprivacy


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9 Aug 2016 13:50:42 UTC
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Safe for Work
The Future of Internet Privacy
Panelists Alison Macrina (Library Freedom Projects), Jeremy Kauffman ( and Paige Peterson (MaidSafe) and Moderator Brian Sovryn discuss various topics surrounding online privacy.In addition to briefly presenting their respective projects, this panel explores the importance and repercussions of privacy, trust and digital security through debate and discourse.Corporations like Google, Facebook and Amazon have built infrastructure to collect and analyze users' public and private data to be sold and shared with governments and private entities. Contemporary decentralization and encryption technologies offer potential solutions to many of the broken aspects of the internet that presently plague privacy concerned users.The current internet client-server model was constructed in an inherently counter-privacy, easily monitored and centralized way, giving rise to a movement of anti-surveillance projects that could give users a chance to reclaim and retain their personal data.Might there be some value in transparency of online user data versus total or granular privacy? Do we, as users, know and understand the threats of using internet communication services to share our experiences online?Finally, the panel shares tools that are currently available and anticipated to be released soon which can help build a new private and safe network for all users.Liberty Forum 2016 - Free State Project - New HampshireView on Alexandria
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